The massive western bridge span weighs more than 400,000 pounds and now stretches over both the southbound and express lanes of I-5 just south of NE Northgate Way. It connects to the 200,000 pound eastern bridge segment installed above the northbound lanes of I-5 last weekend, and to ramps built last year.
For trivia night: 400,000 lbs is twice the weight of Argentinosaurus (the largest dinosaur ever discovered), or the equivalent weight of 56 Asian Elephants, 30 T-rexes, or three 737 jets.
The bridge remains on schedule to be completed in time for the Sound Transit Northgate Link Light Rail Station opening on October 2, 2021. Bridge construction began in February 2020.
Now that all the bridge segments have been lifted into place, we will continue working to complete the final phase of bridge construction in the coming months.
This will include paving the surface of the bridge deck and other work along the bridge ramps and around the bridge. We also plan to plant more than 450 trees in the areas around the construction site on both sides of the freeway!
The Northgate Pedestrian and Bike Bridge is one part of a comprehensive plan to build a community hub that meets the diverse needs of our growing communities. The bridge will provide a safe and easy connection between the future Northgate Link Light Rail Station and North Seattle College for people walking, rolling, and biking. The bridge will reunite two neighborhoods that have been divided by I-5 for nearly 60 years and make it easier to access new housing and medical and social service providers.
The project has been made possible thanks to your tax dollars through the Levy to Move Seattle as well as funding from Sound Transit and Washington State Department of Transportation.