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Posts categorized under Katie Olsen, Author at SDOT Blog

Apply to join the Seattle Transportation Levy Oversight Committee | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

All Seattle residents are welcome to apply. People from Northeast, Central Area, Southeast Seattle, and High Point and Delridge neighborhoods and those with auditing experience are encouraged to apply, per Transportation Levy legislation. We are recruiting members for the new Seattle Transportation Levy Oversight Committee (LOC). Continue reading and apply… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT unveils the first projects funded by the historic $1.55 Billion Transportation Levy | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK

Today, we unveiled the list of projects set to launch in 2025, locally funded through the 2024 Seattle Transportation Levy. This 2025 Levy Delivery Plan, the first of 8 annual Levy Delivery Plans, will set the framework for improvements across the city, with an emphasis on safety, infrastructure, and community-driven… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Voters Approve Transportation Levy to Maintain and Modernize City Streets with Paving, Bridge Repairs, Sidewalk Construction, and Connections to Light Rail

Mayor Harrell thanks voters for supporting the levy, which will generate $1.55 billion over 8 years to fund transportation improvements in Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell and City of Seattle leadership appreciate the preliminary approval by voters of City of Seattle Proposition No. 1, the $1.55 billion Seattle Transportation Levy. The levy… [ Keep reading ]

Opportunity to join Seattle’s Transportation Equity Workgroup – Learn more and apply by Nov. 8 for the 2025–2027 term  

Blog stats: 800 words | 4-minute read Summary Are you interested in helping to develop an equitable, safe, environmentally sustainable, accessible, and affordable transportation system in Seattle? Are you looking for paid opportunities to use your experience, community connections, and knowledge to help advance transportation equity in our city? If… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell’s 2025-2026 Proposed Budget for SDOT    

Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell released the 2025-2026 Proposed Budget.  The budget reflects Mayor Harrell’s commitment to making needed investments and taking bold actions to address the urgent needs of our communities while advancing our One Seattle priorities. Mayor Harrell’s budget proposal remains focused on strengthening public safety, creating housing affordability,… [ Keep reading ]

Follow SDOT’s journey toward a more equitable transportation system 

Summary SDOT’s Transportation Equity Workgroup (TEW) was established in early 2019 to seek input from a broad and diverse set of community members representing Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and vulnerable communities. In 2019, SDOT staff and the TEW partnered to create the Transportation Equity Framework (TEF). The TEF… [ Keep reading ]

Understanding the Racial Equity Toolkit (RET) for the Transportation Levy Proposal 

Summary: Historically, the City of Seattle’s transportation levies have supported nearly every aspect of SDOT’s delivery of transportation services and projects. Mayor Bruce Harrell’s 2024 Transportation Levy Proposal has the potential to further advance the City of Seattle’s race and social justice goals. Since 2004, the Race and Social Justice… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell presents $1.45 billion Transportation Levy Proposal aligned around a long-term One Seattle vision for a safe, reliable, connected city  

Responsive to community feedback, Mayor added more funding for sidewalks, transit connections, bridge repair, maintenance and modernization Today, Mayor Harrell unveiled an 8-year, $1.45 billion levy proposal to fund transportation safety and maintenance in Seattle. This proposal is shaped by community input and follows a period of public engagement on… [ Keep reading ]

Maintaining & modernizing Seattle’s transportation system with the 11th / 12th Ave NE paving and safety project | LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK 

Blog stats: 1,100 words | 5-minute read At-a-glance: Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell and SDOT Director Greg Spotts joined construction crews working on the 11th/12th Ave NE Paving and Safety Project. This project, along with the RapidRide J Line project which enter the construction phase in the near future, represent two… [ Keep reading ]

May is Bike Everywhere Month – Let’s get ready to ride! 

Blog stats: 1,500 words | 7-minute read Dust off your helmet, fill up your tires, and grab your friends and family. We’re kicking off Bike Everywhere Month today and throughout the month of May! We hope you can join the celebration and enjoy biking as part of your everyday trips… [ Keep reading ]