The bridge is on track to reopen following needed structural strengthening and repair work. The federal grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) will help pay for bridge rehabilitation on both the West Seattle Bridge and the Spokane St Swing Bridge.
This round of the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) discretionary grant program funds transportation projects of national and regional significance that are in line with the Biden Administration’s principles for national infrastructure projects that result in good-paying jobs, improve safety, apply transformative technology, and explicitly address climate change and racial equity.
“From light rail to buses to repairing our bridges, Seattle has shovel ready projects to create good family wage jobs and boost mobility. Now is the time to move forward on a bold infrastructure plan as proposed by President Biden that addresses challenges like our aging bridges while making major investments in the future of transit like light rail and elective vehicles and buses. We are working each day to repair and reopen the West Seattle High-Rise Bridge – the pathway to quickly and safely restoring travel. Investments for this important safety project are essential to meeting our aggressive timeline and re-establishing mobility across the region. We greatly appreciate the US Department of Transportation’s partnership to focus on one of the highest priority projects for the region and state.”
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan
“Strong partnerships help us deliver tangible results for communities. I am grateful to the US Department of Transportation for allocating INFRA grant funding to the West Seattle High-Rise Bridge repair project and the recognition of the critical role the bridge plays in the economy of Seattle and all of Washington state. With this funding, along with partnership and courage at multiple levels of government, we are in an even greater position to drive this repair forward and reconnect West Seattle in 2022.”
SDOT Director Sam Zimbabwe
“The Community Task Force is thankful for the Biden Administration’s help in repairing and reopening a lifeline route to the people of West Seattle, and for the tireless advocacy and assistance from Senator Patty Murray, Senator Maria Cantwell, and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. We’ve been understanding of the need to close the bridge and are urgently waiting for it to reopen. It’s reassuring to learn that the federal government is here to help us when we need it.”
Community Task Force co-chair Greg Nickels
We also officially began the final phase of repair work with construction contractor Kraemer North America by issuing “notice to proceed” on June 24.

The repairs will install additional steel cables within the bridge’s concrete spans to strengthen the bridge and prepare it for a return to service next year. The contract also rehabilitates the Spokane St Swing Bridge below.
“Our team, consisting of union craft workers, engineers, project managers and technical experts are excited to continue our work on the West Seattle Bridge. Kraemer recognizes the challenges posed to West Seattle residents and business owners during the past year and a half closure, and are honored to be awarded the contract to strengthen and rehabilitate the structure. We will be working diligently with Seattle Department of Transportation to reopen the bridge as soon as the work is completed.”
Kraemer Project Manager Adam Dour
Bridge rehabilitation design, as well as the construction schedule, are expected to be released in the next month.