Safe Routes to School is a national movement to make it easier and safer for students to walk and bike to school. Like many cities, we have a Safe Routes to School program at SDOT focused on reaching this goal in Seattle.
Through our program, we teach students the joys and health benefits of safe walking, rolling, and biking – and create an environment where they are able and encouraged to do so. This helps to make active transportation a lifelong passion that contributes to community well-being while reducing our city’s carbon footprint.
Our 2021-2025 SRTS 5-year action plan is for you – our community – to see how we plan to achieve these goals over a five-year period. (Got a minute? Take a look at an overview of the plan.)
Our vision for Seattle students is to start their day experiencing the benefits of walking, rolling, and biking to school: having fun, feeling safe, strengthening connections to their communities, arriving to school ready to learn, and improved physical and mental health.
Our Action Plan contains tried-and-true – and some new! – strategies to help reach these goals.
Not all kids in Seattle have the same experience while walking and biking in their neighborhoods. There are differences by race, income, ability, gender, and more. To support Seattle’s effort to end institutionalized racism and build a more equitable city, we are focused on removing barriers to walking and biking to school for students in these groups:
- Communities of color
- Low-income communities
- Immigrant and refugee communities
- People with disabilities
- People experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity
- The LGBTQ community
- Girls
So, we’ll continue and expand on what’s working well:
- Provide walking and biking safety education to every public school student for six years – from 3rd grade through middle school through the Let’s Go and Let’s Go Further program.
- Make safety improvements near schools, like new sidewalks, crossing improvements, speed humps and other traffic calming techniques, reaching every public school through the Levy to Move Seattle.
- Offer a permanent option for the School Streets program launched during the pandemic, which closes streets to through traffic and opens them to families walking, biking, and rolling.
- Help expand Neighborhood Greenways and Stay Healthy Streets networks leading to schools so that families can feel comfortable with their young children biking to school. (Read up on one of the newest neighborhood greenways in West Seattle!).
- Provide up to $1,000 to schools and community groups on a rolling basis for activities that encourage safe walking and biking to school through our Mini Grant program using the new online grants management system. Schools, PTAs, and other non-profits can apply for mini-grants whenever it works best for them.
- Find opportunities to improve lighting for people walking and biking near schools, prioritizing communities of color.
And we’ll put other ideas in action – including the following – with the support of our community and local leaders:
- Develop a playground bicycle course for schools
- Support schools and community groups to map walking, rolling, and biking routes to schools
- Explore opportunities to partner with Seattle Public Libraries to support childhood literacy, improved learning outcomes, and increased access to libraries through walking, rolling and biking
Thank you for what you do for Seattle students.
It takes everyone to make streets safe for kids, whether that means driving the school zone speed limit, walking your child to school if you can, or applying for a mini-grant for your school.
Together, we’re building a city for everyone – including our youngest walkers, rollers, and cyclists.