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Summer outreach recap: Thank you for coming out and speaking with us at community events!

Staff from Team SDOT and the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods smile at the camera at a recent outreach event in Seattle. Photo credit: SDOT

This summer, we attended events throughout Seattle to hear from you about your transportation needs and share updates about some exciting projects happening in neighborhoods across the city.

Our staff and consultants participated in over 30 events, farmers markets, and festivals. Our outreach efforts would not have been possible without you coming out to these events, so thank you for taking time to speak with us!

SDOT staff member in a green shirt behind the SDOT booth showing a community member a project map while another SDOT staff member in a yellow shirt fits a black helmet on a community member in front of the SDOT booth that is filled with helmets and swag.
Community members stop by the SDOT booth at the August 20 Big Day of Play event in southeast Seattle. Attendees learned about our projects and got helmet fittings. Photo credit: SDOT

Outreach is an essential part of our work to provide all Seattle community members with a wide range of opportunities to access information and provide feedback about transportation projects. We consistently work towards increasing meaningful and authentic engagement to help shape our work throughout the process, to exceed the expectations of the communities we serve.

Graphic highlighting Excellence as one of SDOT's core values and goals. A blue and back background banner includes the word "Excellence" in large wording, the SDOT logo, and a yellow star icon.
Excellence is one of our core values and goals. Graphic credit: SDOT.

To successfully engage with community members, we use a variety of techniques to keep communications clear and consistent during a project. This includes in-person outreach through tabling and open houses, digital engagement through our social media channels and project webpages, and other communications through project inboxes, phone lines, and virtual project presentations. With a higher volume of events happening during the summertime, we enjoy getting out in communities in-person for direct conversations with folks.

We valued having constructive and meaningful conversations about current projects and what we have planned in the future to strengthen Seattle’s transportation system.

City of Seattle staff member stands behind a SDOT booth in a black graphic tee while speaking to two community members in red and gray shirts about a project happening in the neighborhood. A canopy is above with black, red, and blue shirts hanging off the side.
Community members stop by our booth at the August 14 Othello International Festival in southeast Seattle. Photo credit: SDOT

We gave away hundreds of free bike helmets this summer to help promote safe riding – a total of 465 helmets through the end of August. Seattle’s bike and scooter share companies are also providing their own helmet giveaways at events throughout the city, in addition to our outreach.

Two people stand on a large grass field, with one booth visitor wearing a pink sweatshirt tries on a helmet. A table with giveaways and a large blue canopy are also present.
A person tries on a free helmet and chats with our team at the Big Day of Play on August 20, 2022. Photo credit: SDOT.

I’m glad SDOT is helping with alternative modes (of transportation) through Flip Your Trip and incentives with the West Seattle Bridge being closed” – West Seattle resident

A consultant in a black tank top stands behind a SDOT booth with a Flip Your Trip campaign tablecloth covering the table. SDOT swag is laid out on top of the table as a community member in a black floral shirt speaks to the consultant.
A community member chats with us about the Flip your Trip campaign at the June 11 Duwamish River Valley IdeaFest in West Seattle. Photo credit: SDOT

As we attend the final stretch of summer outreach events, we will continue with our ongoing engagement efforts year-round to ensure your voice is being heard and can help guide the future of Seattle’s transportation system.

There are many opportunities we provide for you to be in the know about projects happening in your community, learn more about these efforts on our outreach and engagement 101 webpage, for information on the stages of a project, how we involve communities, and how you can engage with us. You can also find out how to get in touch, and a list of our social media channels, on our Contact Us web page.

Large white poster paper with written words “Tell us your thoughts” in multiple colors. Doodles and boxes filled with words surrounded the text with a large, outlined square below that contains transportation suggestions and comments from community members.
Transportation suggestions and comments from community members at the Duwamish River Valley IdeaFest on June 11. Photo credit: SDOT

Once again, thank you for chatting with us at the events we attended this summer, we’re looking forward to continuing the conversation!