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Seattle Transportation Plan | Let’s create our transportation maps together. Are we on the right track? 

A person crosses the street in the evening, near Pioneer Square and the Chinatown-International District. Photo: SDOT 

IMPORTANT: We’re excited to announce that we will be hosting two Seattle Transportation Plan open houses later this month. These events will be an opportunity to view our updated “second draft” transportation network maps. These have been updated based on preliminary public input. The open houses will be open to the public and you can come and go as you please. Please spread the word. Learn more about these open houses on the STP Online Engagement Hub.

LOCATION: Seattle City Hall (600 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104) in the Bertha Knight Landes room


  • Open House 1: Saturday, January 28 from 11am-2pm
  • Open House 2: Tuesday, January 31 from 4pm-7pm


  • Have a few minutes? Visit our Online Engagement Hub to share your input on the first draft transportation maps. We will continue to make changes based on what you tell us. The information is available in 17 languages. 
    • Important: These first draft maps are a starting point. They include updates based on new facilities we have built, suggest new connections, and respond to many comments you and your neighbors made in the first phase of engagement. We are still making changes to these maps. Based on your feedback today, we will make more changes. 
  • New to the STP? The Seattle Transportation Plan (STP) is our commitment to building a transportation system that provides everyone with access to safe, efficient, and affordable options to reach places and opportunities. We need your help! We are developing the STP with 3 phases of community engagement and are currently in phase 2. 
  • Curious to see progress so far? The Phase 1 Engagement Summary explains what we heard from you last spring and summer. You can learn more about the environmental review process and what to expect next in the SEPA Scoping Report. SEPA stands for State Environmental Policy Act. 

NEW! Let’s create our transportation maps together. Are we on the right track? 

There are so many ways we use our streets and public spaces every day! Before we began to develop the STP, we had four transportation network maps (pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and freight). For the STP, we are updating those maps and making new maps that respond to today’s transportation challenges. 

We want to bring you along in every step of the way. Today, we are asking for your feedback on the first drafts of these travel networks, shown on one big map of Seattle. 

Important: These first draft maps are a starting point. They include updates based on new facilities we have built, suggest new connections, and respond to many comments you and your neighbors made in the first phase of engagement. We are still making changes to these maps. Based on your feedback today, we will make more changes. 

Tell us what you think on the Online Engagement Hub. 

Screenshot of the interactive map available on the STP Online Engagement Hub. Graphic: SDOT. 

Curious to see our progress on the STP development so far? The Phase 1 Engagement Summary explains what we heard from you last spring and summer. 

Community members and our outreach staff and several recent community engagement events in Seattle. Photos: SDOT. 

You can also learn more about the environmental review process and what’s next in our SEPA Scoping Report.   

The STP is going through the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review process. SEPA ensures environmental values are thoroughly considered during the planning and decision-making processes. Scoping, which occurred earlier this year, was the first step of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) documentation process. It was an opportunity for community members and organizations to review and provide feedback on the proposed alternatives, and to tell the City what elements of the built and natural environment should be studied.  

Read through the SEPA Scoping Report to learn how your comments are shaping this process. 

The Office of Community Planning and Development (OPCD) is continuing to ask for your input on the Seattle Comprehensive Plan Update – the One Seattle Plan.  

OPCD is developing the One Seattle Plan through public engagement, advisory boards, and community events. See what they’re hearing from the community in the One Seattle Plan Phase 1 Engagement Report.  

We are working closely with OPCD. Together, the STP and One Seattle Plan will provide an integrated transportation, land use, and growth strategy for Seattle’s future.  

Learn more about the STP and share your ideas in your preferred language: