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Posts categorized under nelsonlm, Author at SDOT Blog - Page 7 of 19

Comments on Rule making Sidewalk Closures a Last Resort!

We want your input on a new policy meant to make it easier and safer for people to walk in our growing city. Our department has issued for public comment a revised Director’s Rule on Pedestrian Mobility in and around work zones, and we’re taking feedback through October 29, 2015…. [ Keep reading ]

Calling All Scrabble and Open Space Enthusiasts!

In partnership with Groundswell NW and Ballard Greenways, SDOT is hosting a life-size street Scrabble tournament this upcoming Saturday, October 10th in Ballard. We hope to see you there flexing your vocabulary knowledge and cheering on players. Similar to the Scrabble tournament event held on First Hill last summer, it… [ Keep reading ]

Pedestrian Streets – Pike Street Pilot

Last month, pedestrians on Capitol Hill got to experience Pike Street like never before. On August 8, 15, and 22, starting around 8:00 p.m., several blocks of Pike Street were temporarily closed to vehicle traffic and opened up to pedestrians as part of a Pike Street pilot program. The result… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle PARK(ing) Day 2015 Recap

Dinosaurs, chickens, multi-modal adventure courses, and improvised community art projects are just a few of the unexpected things you might have seen popping up in parking lanes around Seattle this past Friday. Coinciding with the Seattle Design Festival, Friday September 18 was PARK(ing) Day, an international event in which people… [ Keep reading ]

Savor Summer With a Play Street

As fall draws near, we notice our evenings getting a little shorter and our shadows a bit longer. Your thoughts may begin to drift from swimming and sunbathing to putting on your favorite pair of slippers and sipping hot chocolate by the fire. Outside, the wintry breezes…wait a minute! Summer’s not over yet! So… [ Keep reading ]

Helping contractors and developers be good neighbors

Our city is developing at a rapid pace, as most people can tell just walking around Seattle.  There’s no shortage of cranes soaring up into the air or scaffolding erecting up from the ground. The development and population boom is not expected to end anytime soon; and though some say a growing city is better than… [ Keep reading ]

Two Weeks + $100 = Pop-up Parklet in Pioneer Square

PARK(ing) Day is a little over a month away, and we want you to get involved! PARK(ing) Day happens once a year and is an opportunity for Seattleites to temporarily turn on-street parking spaces into public places, called “parklets.” PARK(ing) Day is celebrated every third Friday in September in more than 162… [ Keep reading ]

Get Ready for ‘Damp Season’ with a Rain Garden

This year’s dry summer may have all but erased your memories of Seattle’s rainy winter weather. However, now is the perfect time to start prepping your garden for fall and winter downpours with a rain garden! If you’ve ever walked through a wooded park on a rainy day, you likely… [ Keep reading ]

Capitol Hill “No Park” Management Pilot Program

In order to keep traffic and pedestrians flowing around construction zones, it is sometimes necessary to temporarily restrict parking near construction sites. But “No Parking” easels, such as the one pictured on the right, can contribute to mobility problems as they often partially block the right of way. Because they… [ Keep reading ]

Play Streets Pilot EXTENDED!

Did you have such a good holiday weekend that you feel like dancing in the street? Well you’re in luck. SDOT is very pleased to announce that due to its popularity we are extending our Play Streets pilot program until April 2016! So far, over 75 of your Seattle friends… [ Keep reading ]