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Sunshine on Our Shoulders for the ‘Find It Fix It’ Walk in Highland Park

More than 50 people turned out on one of the nicest evenings of the year to join Mayor Ed Murray, District One Councilmember Lisa Herbold, and SDOT and other City staff in Highland Park last week, for the most recent Find It, Fix It community walk of 2017. We talked with… [ Keep reading ]

Summer 2017 Sidewalk Assessment Project

Who’s orange and obsessed with sidewalks? SDOT’s sidewalk interns! This summer, our interns will be hitting the streets with levels, tape measures, tablets, and bright orange safety vests to conduct a condition survey of Seattle’s sidewalks, for our SDOT Sidewalk Condition Assessment Project. Seattle has over 34,000 blocks – that’s 2,300 miles – of… [ Keep reading ]

Pothole Palooza Kicks off in Seattle

Seattle is kicking off Pothole Palooza on Monday, April 17, a campaign to aggressively repair potholes across the city. Beginning today, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is asking community members to report neighborhood potholes so we can map them out as our Pothole Rangers move throughout the city. There… [ Keep reading ]

First Find It, Fix It Walk o’ the Year!

More than 50 people turned out to join Mayor Ed Murray, SDOT, and various other City Departments in Wallingford on Tuesday, March 14, for the first Find It, Fix It community walk of 2017. SDOT staff enjoyed the opportunity to discuss upcoming projects to improve mobility and safety for all users… [ Keep reading ]