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Posts tagged with weekend Archives - SDOT Blog

It’s going to be a fun-filled summer weekend! Here are some quick tips on what’s going on and how to get there. 

Please note – You can click any of the drop-down links to go directly to a specific topic: Seafair Indian Days Powwow Ballard SeafoodFest West Seattle Summer Fest Seattle Storm at Climate Pledge Arena Bicycle Weekend on Lake Washington Boulevard Construction snapshot Transit and trip planning resources Summer is finally… [ Keep reading ]

Weekend travelers: Expect traffic & consider riding transit if you plan to attend Seattle Pride festivities, with Revive I-5 and other construction scheduled this weekend

Travelers, please be aware. If you plan to attend this weekend’s Seattle Pride Parade, we encourage you to have fun, but leave yourself extra travel time to and from the event as WSDOT’s Revive I-5 work resumes this weekend. The essential I-5 maintenance work means increased traffic congestion as crews… [ Keep reading ]