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Posts categorized under HenryB1, Author at SDOT Blog

Transit Master Plan proposes 15 priority corridors for a closer look

The Transit Master Plan project team met with the Council’s Transportation Committee this morning to propose 15 corridors for further analysis. These 15 corridors represent only a small portion of the existing transit network, but they form an important backbone for the system. After all, when you’re in a time… [ Keep reading ]

What’s a Seawall alternative?

  The Elliott Bay Seawall Project has developed two alternatives for environmental analysis, which were presented to the City Council on April 25. But what does that really mean? Well, it means that we have two “bookend” alternatives to replace the seawall that cover a range of impacts, providing time… [ Keep reading ]

Keeping buses moving through downtown

SDOT, with support from King County Metro, will be installing new bus-only lanes in the north downtown Wall and Battery Street corridor. A transit queue jump signal will also be installed on Wall Street at 5th Avenue to more quickly move buses merging to make the left turn onto southbound 3rd Avenue.  These improvements will… [ Keep reading ]

Getting Ready for Light Rail on Capitol Hill

SDOT, the Department of Planning and Development, and the Office of Housing are working to develop a Capitol Hill Urban Design Framework for the Sound Transit-owned parcels and streets surrounding the future Capitol Hill Link Light Rail Station. The purpose is to establish a shared vision for the area and… [ Keep reading ]

King Street Station: Center of a multimodal hub

King Street Station is an iconic landmark that is a focal point for one of Seattle’s three multi-modal transportation hubs in the Center City. There’s more than just interstate Amtrak services. The station provides access and transfers for commuter rail, light rail, streetcar, regional buses, local buses, bicycles, pedestrians, vehicular… [ Keep reading ]

Mercer West Open House

  About 175 people came out to the Seattle Center Tuesday March 15 for an open house focused on the feasibility results of adding a second lane up West Mercer Place, and providing comments on the project. The program included a 3-minute, narrated power point presentation, and display boards outlining the… [ Keep reading ]

the Walk. Bike. Rider: Creating Great Places

Every month the Walk. Bike. Rider highlights different options for getting around without a car, including tools and inspiring stories. Check it out here. You can subscribe to receive it via e-mail here. This month’s feature is creating great places to make getting around on foot, by bike, or riding… [ Keep reading ]

Driveways and parking don’t mix

Are vehicles ever parked too close to your driveway? What can be done? According to the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC 11.72.110) it is not permitted to park in front of a driveway. In fact, there is a five foot buffer on either side of the driveway where parking is prohibited. What… [ Keep reading ]

When do we install 4-way stops?

  Sometimes people ask: “How can I get a 4-way stop installed?” Below is some basic info on how SDOT decides where 4-way stop signs are appropriate. SDOT only adds stop signs where accidents or other data show that drivers are not observing the right-of-way rule under State law. Stop signs… [ Keep reading ]