SDOT crews took advantage of relatively dry October weather to complete the Greenwood Avenue North Roadway Improvements Project. After carefully considering the needs of all users on Greenwood and an extensive public outreach process, SDOT moved forward with a plan to extend the existing channelization configuration on Greenwood between N 50th St and N 85th St to the north between N 85th St to N 105th St.
This project, which is consistent with the Greenwood Neighborhood Plan, enhances access to businesses, improves pedestrian safety, maintains transit efficiency, and provides bicycle facilities while reducing vehicle speeds and maintaining vehicle carrying capacity.
Crews changed the number of travel lanes to one lane in each direction, extended turn pockets at the intersection of Greenwood and N 85th St, installed a new center turn lane, and added bicycle lanes in both directions.
Today is a perfect day to experience the new look Greenwood – a safer, friendlier roadway.