We here at the SDOT Blog have written numerous stories about sidewalk construction, pedestrian improvement projects, and crosswalk installations built by our annual programs responsible for implementing the Pedestrian Master Plan. But we’ve yet to highlight alternative processes for making improvements in your neighborhood despite the fact that the City of Seattle offers several grants for community projects.
The Neighborhood Projects Fund, or NPF for short, offers up to $90,000 a year for small improvements. With NPF dollars, neighborhoods have been able to build short segments of new sidewalk, repair existing sidewalks, construct median islands and curb bulbs, and install new crosswalks. Applicants are encouraged to work with their neighbors and SDOT to develop proposals prior to participating in the NPF process. SDOT staff can guide applicants through the process, provide feedback about the feasibility of the project, and ensure that the scope of the project will not exceed the budget. Check out the NPF website for information about the process including helpful tips.
The Bridging the Gap Neighborhood Street Fund, or NSF, funds projects that cost more than $100,000 and less than $500,000. Typical NSF projects include large segments of new sidewalks, street repair, and traffic calming work. The Neighborhood Street Fund is a bi-annual grant that won’t be available again until 2013. Check out our latest group of NSF projects here.
The Department of Neighborhood’s Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF) finances a diverse range of projects from small street improvements to tree plantings. The NMF requires a community match in the form of volunteer labor, donated materials, professional services, or a monetary donation. Click here to get started.