Right on schedule for 2011, SDOT’s Bridging the Gap funded work is addressing the significant maintenance backlog, making it easier to navigate around the city and enhancing safety.
As you can see from so many projects, SDOT’s road repaving, new sidewalk construction and signage replacement is ongoing across Seattle. With the BTG Citizen Oversight Committee ensuring accountability for taxpayers, BTG continues to make steady progress towards its nine-year goals.
Paving projects are underway on some of the city’s most traveled streets and more than 20 lane-miles of paving will be completed by the end of this year in the University District, Georgetown and along Rainier Avenue S. Our crews have already replaced more than 3,300 regulatory traffic signs and 1,000 street name signs this year. They have also remarked more than 200 crosswalks and restriped more than 650 lane miles of arterial roads.
- Installing 26 new crossing improvements
- Performing more than 100 bridge repairs
- Installing 17 miles of bike route signs, inspecting 27 miles of trail and maintaining nearly 24 miles of bike facilities
- Repairing more than 8 blocks of sidewalk
- Completing one Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) Large Project at California Ave SW, while design work and community outreach continues on 10 other NSF Large Projects
- Planting approximately 585 street trees and pruning more than 1,300 others
This work comes after an aggressive first four years of the BTG levy. From 2007 through 2010, the Seattle Department of Transportation has:
- Paved more than 128 lane-miles of road
- Secured 43,600 new hours of transit service
- Constructed 69 blocks of new sidewalk
- Repaired 87 blocks of sidewalk
- Remarked 3,312 crosswalks
- Replaced 31,733 regulatory signs
- Installed school zone signage at 164 schools
- Replaced street name signs at 5,536 intersections
- Striped 112 miles of bike lanes and sharrows
- Planted 3,329 new street trees
For more information about BTG, its goals and progress towards meeting those goals, please visit the BTG web page at http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/BridgingtheGap.htm.