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Who’s Talking About Biking

Did you know SDOT is updating the city’s Bicycle Master Plan? We’ve been visiting community events and collecting comments through an online survey and interactive mapping tool. There is still time to share what bicycle issues matter the most to you and where you make, or would like to make, bicycle trips. In the meantime, we thought you’d be interested in who is talking to us about biking.

The online survey launched on May 1. The graphic below shows the trend in responses by zipcode over the first three weeks.

One of our public engagement goals is to get more women and youth involved in the update. Looks like we need to do a little more work. Help us spread the word!

Just for the heck of it, we thought you might be interested how many survey respondents to date also use an automobile to make trips.

If you have already taking the survey or submitted comments—Thank You! If not, tell us and show us at