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Find out about travel impacts using our new tool: dotMaps


Who’s feeling the Seattle Squeeze? ??‍♀️ There’s a tool for that!


We’re excited to share dotMaps – our project coordination tool – which shows  you construction projects & events happening in your area.


What sets dotMaps apart from some of the other navigation aides you might currently use is that it shows you permitted construction work and special events in the city that you may need to avoid. These traffic impacts will only increase as we continue through the Seattle Squeeze.



One thing you should note is that when people apply for permits for construction projects and that work is approved, those projects will appear in dotMaps. However, construction schedules are complex (hello, rainy Seattle!) so work in an area may be permitted and approved by us (and therefore showing on the map) but not in progress. Even if work is not in progress, it’s still helpful to know where work has been permitted so you can adjust easily when work does start.


The Seattle Squeeze is a transition period in downtown through 2024. During this time, we’re working to make sure the city fits the needs of a growing population.

With so many construction projects, we’ll all need to change the way we get around. Channel your inner Sal! Use dotMaps to plan ahead & FlipYourTrip!



dotMaps helps you plan ahead. You can select an area to look at on the map and make custom alerts for that area. When a construction project or other event pops up, you’ll be notified. This tool will also help you adjust to traffic impacts and make changes to how you get around. We are all adjusting as our city grows, whether that means choosing a new mode of transportation (such as walking, biking, taking the bus or riding the light rail), carpooling, teleworking, or adjusting travel times. This tool will help you figure out whether these travel adjustments might  be necessary.


dotMaps is easy to use – especially if you’re familiar with Google maps.


See if you can spot these steps in the dotMaps video above:


  1. Search by an address or navigate using the map itself.
  2. Choose from preset date rangers or enter custom ones.
  3. Draw around the area on the map you’d like to see.
  4. Choose whether you’d like updates about construction, special events, or both.
  5. select how often you’d like to get those update (daily, weekly, or monthly)
  6. enter the e-mail address where you want to see those updates
  7. name the area you’ve selected and chosen updates for


You can manage your own subscriptions and can change how often you get notified or unsubscribe at any time. For more information, please call (206) 684-ROAD (7623) or email us at

