If the movement of freight throughout the Seattle region impacts your business or organization, then this opportunity may be for you.
The Seattle Freight Advisory Board helps lift the voice of the Seattle’s freight community and industries. The board advises the City Council, the Mayor and all departments and offices of the City on policies, plans and projects as they may relate to freight capacity, safety, access, and mobility throughout the City.
What does the freight board do?

Working as a collaborative team, our Freight Board members are engaged in activities that ensure the maintenance of a functional and efficient freight system within the City of Seattle, including
- developing regular updates to the Freight Master Plan and the Freight Implementation Plan,
- developing designations of major truck streets, and
- providing review and comments on planned projects and policies that may impact the movement of goods and services throughout the City.
This unpaid, volunteer position requires a commitment of two years, during which time Board members will participate in regular monthly meetings; create letters of support or critique; provide review and comment on preliminary design plans, policies, grant applications and other freight-related items; and serve as liaisons to other transportation advisory boards as necessary. Collectively, the Freight Advisory Board will identify one representative to serve concurrently on the Move Seattle Levy Oversight Committee.
Who can apply, and what’s the application process?

Interested parties should live or work in Seattle and represent:
- Businesses, organizations, or agencies involved in the transport of goods and services, OR
- Businesses, organizations, or agencies that depend on the efficient movement of goods and services within the City of Seattle.
The City of Seattle is committed to promoting diversity within the City’s various boards and commissions. Women, seniors, persons with disabilities, sexual minorities, and persons of color are encouraged to apply.
Interested persons should submit a résumé with a cover letter explaining their interest and involvement in the freight industry via email by August 31, 2020 to Kiera.Dragich@Seattle.gov with “SFAB Membership Recruitment” in the subject line.
For more information on how to apply, please email Kiera Dragich: Kiera.Dragich@seattle.gov