As part of improving one of the detour routes for the West Seattle High Bridge closure, we repaved the 5-way intersection of Delridge, Chelan, Spokane and West Marginal Way SW back in April 2020. Photo Credit: SDOT.
Construction you see in West Seattle is making the detour routes function better for you. This weekend, we’ll continue work at the West Marginal Way SW and Highland Park Way SW intersection.
Please Remember: Kindness and compassion goes a long way for our hardworking Crews. We’re working to make the West Seattle Bridge detour routes more efficient with the goal to reduce delays and improve safety.

Delays are likely. Please plan accordingly, avoid driving if possible, and be kind to our Crews who are working hard to make your drive faster and safer in the future.
With all the construction going on, it may feel like we’re trying to make things worse for West Seattle. However, this work is important to make sure the detour routes are functional and sustainable until the high bridge reopens in 2022.
Our Crews are doing their best, and while we know it’s challenging to wait in traffic, we’re asking you to be kind to them as you drive along the detour routes.
We planned to do all this work now when the weather is good, and projects won’t get rained out and delayed. Completing these projects now also means that traffic will flow better sooner as we continue to repair the West Seattle High Bridge and look towards reopening in mid-2022.
We’re prioritizing critical work on detour routes and implementing the projects that community members requested. These include repairing pavement, adjusting signal timing to get people more green time, and focusing on the areas where backups are longest, like West Marginal Way SW and Highland Park Way SW.
Please be sure to stay safe, obey all signs, and follow direction from uniformed Police Officers and Flaggers. If traffic is moving slow, please do not block fire department and business entrances where we’ve painted cross-hatching (see below).
Thank you for your continued patience.
Thank you for your continued patience and resilience during the bridge closure as we work to improve safety for people walking, biking, rolling, taking transit, and driving all along the detour routes. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact us 206-400-7511 or WestSeattleBridge@seattle.gov.