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Walking, rolling, or riding transit on 23rd Ave E/24th Ave E? We’re making improvements for safety and mobility starting in October.

Upcoming work on 23rd Ave E/24th Ave E will be centered around key intersection improvements.

We reached a huge milestone in the final phase of the 23rd Ave E Vision Zero project this month. We have selected Gary Merlino Construction Company as our contractor, and they will start work in the coming weeks. 

In spring 2020, this project was paused due to COVID-19 related budget impacts. Earlier this year, City Council approved funding for this project to be resumed! 

Center turn lane completed as part of phase I of construction on 23rd Ave E/24th Ave E in 2018. Photo Credit: SDOT. 

Part of the project was completed in 2018 when we changed 23rd Ave E/24th Ave E between E John St and Boyer Ave E from two northbound lanes to one northbound lane and one center turn lane. This redesign was intended to encourage driving at the 25 MPH speed limit. Prior to the redesign, data showed that people driving northbound between Boyer Ave E and E John St travel 10 MPH over the speed limit, on average. We are monitoring this investment to see how it is working.  

We are thrilled to be able to move forward with this important project – one more step in our long-term Vision Zero initiative to end traffic deaths and serious injuries on city streets by 2030. 

We heard from the Montlake community that traffic calming, reducing speeds, and pedestrian safety are the top transportation priorities on 23rd Ave E/24th Ave E. 

This important street provides access to the Montlake neighborhood, SR 520, and the Montlake Bridge crossing into north Seattle and is a vital street for transit. 

We are making improvements at four intersections as part of this final phase of work. 

Project Map for 23rd Ave E Vision Zero Project in Montlake
Project Map. For details of the intersection improvements, please visit the project webpage. 

The changes and additions we are making have several safety benefits: 

Example of a paint and post curb bulb. Paint and post curb bulbs will be installed at several intersections along 23rd Ave E/24th Ave E.  
  • Curb bulbs reduce the number and severity of traffic collisions because they help make people walking, rolling, and biking more visible. They also lessen the distance they have to travel to get across the street.   
  • High friction surface treatment (HFST) adds a thin layer of coarse material on top of the street to improve skid-resistance to the pavement. We’re adding HFST at intersections where collision rates are high when road conditions are wet and slippery.  
  • Adding a crosswalk with a signal for people walking, rolling, and biking stops car traffic to allow people who walk and bike to safely cross the intersection. 
  • Protected left-turn signals (northbound, southbound, and eastbound) will reduce opportunities for collisions involving turning vehicles. 
  • Upgraded traffic signals enhance safety and improve visibility.  

In addition to implementing the recommended design and installing skid-resistant surface treatments, we’re enhancing transit stops, installing a new traffic signal, modifying parking, repairing sidewalks, and adding new curb ramps and marked crosswalks within the project area.  You can find more details about each improvement on our website. 

While we’re excited to implement these steps, we also want to take a moment to remind everyone that we all have a role to play in improving safety. As you’re traveling Seattle’s streets, look out for yourself and for each other. Recognize that every intersection is unique, so stay alert. If you’re driving, pay attention, slow down, and expect people are walking, rolling, and biking in every part of the city at all times of the day. 

We want to hear from neighbors about needs during construction!  

If you live in the project area, please complete our preconstruction survey so we can keep you in the loop and work to minimize impacts to neighbors as much as possible. 

We will have more information about construction schedule and activities over the next month or so.