This past Saturday, May 21, we joined thousands of volunteers around the city to pick up litter, tend gardens, and serve our local communities on the first-ever One Seattle Day of Service. The One Seattle Day of Service included more than 2,200 volunteers across the city, with 80 different activities and over 70 community partners participating.
Alongside the pre-registered events, many Seattleites also found their own ways to harness the positive energy of the day and serve their community. It was a great opportunity to get involved, even doing something simple like helping a friend or neighbor who could benefit from the volunteer support.
With the sun shining bright and spring finally in the air, our Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) staff members teamed up with community organizations and volunteers to clean up and landscape two medians along 1st Ave S in Pioneer Square. Our Signs and Marking crew closed six blocks of 1st Ave S from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. to keep our team members, community volunteers, and the traveling public safe.
The Alliance for Pioneer Square, a local nonprofit organization, and Seattle Public Utilities’ Tree Ambassador group led the cleanup effort in Pioneer Square, while our Urban Forestry team provided support and expertise. Overall, well over 100 people came out to help freshen up the space, including many people doing weeding and mulching work!
Before and after
Thanks to the group’s generous efforts, this space was left looking great and ready for community members to enjoy as the weather continues to improve and summer approaches. You can read about a similar project we helped complete last fall in our previous blog post.
We’re grateful to everyone who came out to give their time, dedication, and hard work to volunteer for our city this weekend. Thank you for making this citywide effort a huge success!
“It’s great to see such a large community volunteer turnout!”
– Gary Hren, Landscape Supervisor, SDOT Maintenance Operations Division