We are pleased to present the 2023 Levy to Move Seattle Annual Report. This report highlights our work in 2023 that was funded by your tax dollars through the voter-approved Levy to Move Seattle.
Thanks to Seattle voters, the Levy to Move Seattle helped to add new sidewalks and crosswalks, make major improvements to our busiest transit corridors and to streets most in need of repaving, expand the connected bike network, improve freight mobility, make hundreds of repairs to bridges citywide, complete thousands of repairs to our sidewalks, and much more in 2023.
As we continue to design and deliver transformative investments to strengthen Seattle’s transportation system, safety is our top priority. Informed by the community and with critical help from local, state, and federal partners, we are continuing to deliver on our One Seattle commitment to create a transportation system where every person can travel safely – regardless of how they get around. – Mayor Bruce Harrell
At the end of 2022, we set an intention for 2023 centered around Levy delivery. I am proud of how my SDOT colleagues responded: with one of our biggest years for completing project designs and entering construction in the history of the Levy. We focused on accelerating projects to provide tangible safety and mobility upgrades citywide, particularly for people walking, biking, rolling, and riding transit. – SDOT Director Greg Spotts
The below graphic shows some of the many projects completed thanks to Levy to Move Seattle dollars. For a full picture of all projects funded by the Levy to Move Seattle in 2023, please see the 2023 Levy to Move Seattle Annual Report and the Levy to Move Seattle deliverables dashboard.

In 2024, people in Seattle will continue seeing construction of major projects and rapid progress on essential work citywide, including the RapidRide J Line through the Eastlake neighborhood; projects improving bike safety to and from Georgetown and throughout South Seattle; and a project to improve safety and reliability in the movement of goods and people on East Marginal Way.
I thank Seattle voters for making this and other important work possible. We are finishing strong on the Levy, together. – Mayor Bruce Harrell