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Ship Canal Trail Rolling Along

Crews working on Phase II of the South Ship Canal Trail – 6th Avenue West to 11th Avenue West – “rolled” out about 2/3 of the required paving Wednesday.  It was smooth trails until rain started, dousing this weather-dependent work (asphalt likes it dry, dry, dry!).  The new background-blending black… [ Keep reading ]

A New Era in Transportation

Here in Seattle we’re in the process of transforming our transportation system. We must accommodate growth, but we can’t build more streets. Although it’s a time of tough budgets, we’re preparing for a positive future and a walkable, livable city. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint, offering more… [ Keep reading ]

Changes coming to the south end of the Ballard Bridge

First of all we’d like to thank the people who took time to provide us with input on bicycle and truck improvements we were considering for the south end of the Ballard Bridge. We received 37 comments–a record for our young blog. After considering the comments and meeting with a small group… [ Keep reading ]

Hip to be Square

We have a reputation in Seattle for enjoying the quirky side of life, but one place we like things nice and square is at our street intersections. When streets come together at non-right angles (as many in Seattle do), the intersection can be confusing for drivers and result in extra… [ Keep reading ]

You’re just one click away

From a whole world of interesting questions that folks have been asking since we launched the SDOT blog in July. Have you ever wondered how to change a street name, how SDOT decides which streets to repave next, who owns the sidewalks or how traffic signal timing works with the… [ Keep reading ]

A Shiny New Concrete Panel!

When SDOT reconstructs and paves a roadway, why don’t they always replace all of the concrete panels?  Which ones are the lucky winners and why?  Basically, we replace the panels that are damaged and keep those with remaining functional life.  This may appear odd because some of the panels kept… [ Keep reading ]

Marion Paving – Transferring the Load

Paving work along Marion Street is going well, with the south side concrete curb lane between First and Third avenues now complete.  Crews are working steadily up the hill, placing funny green wire things before the concrete is poured.  The green “load transfer baskets,” like you see in this photo… [ Keep reading ]

2nd Update: Bike and truck improvements for south end Ballard Bridge

Thanks for all of the thoughtful input! Because so many comments have been received, we need more than two days to consider them. Part of our process will include convening a small group of bicycle and freight interests to discuss feedback. Please check back in two weeks to learn more… [ Keep reading ]

Take a spin through the new SR 99 bored tunnel and along Alaskan Way

Current configuration of the Alaskan Way Viaduct Curious about how driving through the bored tunnel may look and feel? WSDOT in partnership with SDOT, King County Metro and the Port of Seattle developed two simulation videos that are now posted to YouTube.  The first video shows the current design concept… [ Keep reading ]

Managing Travelers

Marion Street paving began this week and it’s been a tightrope act balancing foot, bike, car, freight AND ferry traffic.  Coordination with the Washington State Ferries started months ago and continues as we monitor the work’s status.  To ease congestion construction is being phased to keep two lanes of Marion… [ Keep reading ]