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Bike share your way around town!

If you need to make a quick trips on Seattle streets, consider signing up for bike share, an innovative program allowing users to take short trips easily without owning their own bike. Pronto Cycle Share provides a fleet of specially designed and durable bikes found in docking stations located throughout… [ Keep reading ]

When you don’t live near a bus route….

A Vanpool or Van Share may be the solution to your commute if there is no public transit near your home or near your workplace. Sharing a van is a convenient and cost-effective for the everyday commuter. You can use HOV lanes on the freeways, save money on gas and… [ Keep reading ]

Proposed Protected Bike Lane in Fremont: We need your help!

You have an opportunity to provide input for a new protected bike lane segment along N 34th Street in Fremont! More than 100 people bike on N 34th Street between the Burke-Gilman Trail and the Fremont Bridge during the peak morning and evening weekday hours. Currently, bicyclists share the road… [ Keep reading ]

Like a Good Neighbor…

On Capitol Hill right now there is a lot of construction; a lot of construction. And there’s been a lot of construction on Capitol Hill for a very long time, so much so that late last year the area that was defined as the Capitol Hill Construction Hub was expanded… [ Keep reading ]

Safety Improvements started along Lake City Way and 24th Avenue NE

The community will soon benefit from improvements now underway near the busy intersection of 24th Avenue NE and Lake City Way NE. Crews working for SDOT are constructing new sidewalks and other street elements to improve safety, and expects to complete the work in about three months. The project includes: sidewalks, a… [ Keep reading ]

A Site Plan for Mobility…

Mobility can be key to a healthy, happy, and engaged community. Whether taking a stroll to a neighbor’s house, or biking to a local café for a cup of coffee, the ability to move safely and easily through our neighborhoods is what lets us participate in our communities. But as neighborhoods change… [ Keep reading ]

How Should Seattle Grow? You Tell Us!

Today’s an important milestone in planning the future of Seattle. Why, you ask? Because the Seattle Department of Planning and Development (DPD) has  released the Seattle 2035 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for review and comment! Hold on, don’t leave! Yes, the name is super technical, but the Draft EIS is… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor, City Announce Revised Transportation Levy to Move Seattle

On March 2, 2015, Mayor Ed Murray launched Move Seattle, a vision for transportation in our city for the next 10 years. Move Seattle connects and integrates existing plans for walking, biking, transit, and freight into a holistic 10-year strategy that will help the city meet present demands while also… [ Keep reading ]

Chat with SDOT Director Scott Kubly to learn more and share your feedback on the Transportation Levy to Move Seattle

Join SDOT Director Scott Kubly for morning coffee and informal conversation in South Park or online Monday evening: Via Vadi Caffèe, 8600 14th Ave. S  Monday, 4/20, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Online Meeting from 6 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. Please Register at  Here is a Calendar… [ Keep reading ]

Reminder for tonight’s “Where are We Going”? forum at 6 p.m. featuring Janette Sadik-Khan, former Transportation Commissioner of New York City.

Transportation remains one of the most important civic issues in the Puget sound, and this lecture will explore potential future transportation options for the Seattle area. Drawing on her expertise as  will describe potential challenges to changing our city’s infrastructure, and offer a glimpse at what the future of… [ Keep reading ]