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Don’t Miss this Streetcar Meeting!

SDOT Sidewalks Frame New Junction Park

If you stop on the way to the West Seattle Junction to enjoy the handsome new Junction Plaza Park at 42nd and SW Alaska Street, you might notice that there are also new sidewalks along the street surrounding the park. The sidewalks are the handiwork of SDOT’s South Concrete Paving… [ Keep reading ]

Reduced Staffing at SDOT on Furlough Days

To address the economic downturn, city employees will be taking unpaid furlough days to help with the city’s budget.  The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will participate by splitting the furloughing of its staff between two days in each furlough period. Please expect to see reduced staffing at SDOT on… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT’s Got Pride Too

  SDOT supported Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) employees last Sunday in the Gay Pride Parade.  We were part of a larger citywide contingent showing Seattle that LGBT folks  and their friends work throughout City and SDOT.  Employees wore t-shirts with the slogan ‘It’s everybody’s street’ and biked, roller… [ Keep reading ]

Take the July Walk Bike Ride Challenge

The City of Seattle invites you and your family and friends to walk, bike and ride more to work, shop and play and cut two car trips a week from July 4 to July 31. Even if you ride the bus to work every day, we’d like to challenge you… [ Keep reading ]

Who knew?

Did you know there was an escalator on the western side of the two-story King Street Station?  There was, but now it is no more. It was removed last week as part of the historic renovation of the King Street Station.   The “moving stairway” as it was called then, was… [ Keep reading ]

Upcoming Bike the Burke Events!

As part of the NE 45th Street Viaduct Project, SDOT has partnered with Cascade Bicycle Club to encourage new bicycle ridership through a series of workshops and rides. The workshops are designed to teach bicycle skills and safety. The rides, or Bike Brigades, will give riders the real world experience… [ Keep reading ]

The Way We Were…

In 1943 the South Spokane Street viaduct, much like now, was under construction. But back then it was all work from scratch.  The area was sparsely populated and only recently booming with cars. But as different as it looked back then – just as the old saying goes – the more things… [ Keep reading ]

One Bus For All

Maybe you would be interested in riding the bus more but aren’t sure it will work for you or the family. Perhaps you’re wondering what the cost would be for you AND your kids or grandkids to take a trip on Metro to the zoo. This month’s Way to Go… [ Keep reading ]

What’s a Buffered Bike Lane?

If you’ve never heard of a buffered bike lane, that’s because before now, Seattle hasn’t had any.  SDOT has just has just put the finishing touches on the city’s first buffered bike lane on N 130th Street from Greenwood Avenue N to Linden Avenue N.  Long-awaited by the Bitter Lake… [ Keep reading ]