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Marion Paving – Transferring the Load

Paving work along Marion Street is going well, with the south side concrete curb lane between First and Third avenues now complete.  Crews are working steadily up the hill, placing funny green wire things before the concrete is poured.  The green “load transfer baskets,” like you see in this photo… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT Works on More Than Just Roads

Work on the Ferry Avenue/California Way/Harbor Avenue slope stabilization project started this week and will last through approximately early-mid September.  After that, crews will begin working on the retaining wall portion which is expected to last through mid-late October.  The project will restore and stabilize the steep slope, stabilize and provide integral… [ Keep reading ]

Improving Your Walk Home – 35th Ave S

Thanks to the Bridging the Gap levy pedestrians are finding it easier to get around Seattle.  More than 10 blocks of new sidewalk have been constructed this year, most of the work is happening in SE Seattle.  The new sidewalks are helping connect schools, businesses, community centers, transit and light… [ Keep reading ]

Making Transportation Options Accessible

Lots of transportation changes are happening in Southeast Seattle. Link light rail, Metro bus route restructuring, along with new sidewalks, bike facilities, and parking regulations are all contributing to building a community where there are more choices for getting around. SDOT recognizes the importance of making sure people have the… [ Keep reading ]

Paving Quiz – What do crews do when it rains?

Answer: Everything but asphalt and concrete work.  That’s why weather forecasts keep project managers up at night.  The possibility of rain means paving plans turn on a dime.  As the saying goes “success favors the prepared” and project managers (PM) are nothing if not prepared.  They plan for transportation projects… [ Keep reading ]

2nd Update: Bike and truck improvements for south end Ballard Bridge

Thanks for all of the thoughtful input! Because so many comments have been received, we need more than two days to consider them. Part of our process will include convening a small group of bicycle and freight interests to discuss feedback. Please check back in two weeks to learn more… [ Keep reading ]

Stewart and Second ‘Round-the-Clock

Good news for downtown traffic due to a ‘round-the-clock effort by paving crews: Yesterday morning Stewart Street opened back up to two lanes and the afternoon rush-hour bus-only restriction between Westlake and Second Avenue was removed.  Getting there – and a week ahead of schedule – wasn’t easy. Simultaneously last… [ Keep reading ]

100+ Tiny Submarines or…

Does this photo from the South Spokane St project show more than 100 tiny soil-traversing submarines with periscopes up, or does it show earthquake preparedness?  Sci Fi authors aside, the correct answer is… preparation for an earthquake.  So why the pipes at 4th Ave S and S Spokane St?  These… [ Keep reading ]

Making Connections

Draft recommendations for Westlake Hub to connect bus, streetcar and light rail What is a transportation hub, and what makes for a good one? For starters, usually lots of transit service coming together that brings great regional access with just a single ride or transfer. In many cases this “hub”… [ Keep reading ]

Comments Needed on RPZ Program Director’s Rule

Starting in 2007, SDOT initiated a major policy review to redesign the RPZ program to better achieve City’s goals for parking management, transportation, economic development, social equity, and sustainability. On Monday, SDOT reached an important step in revising the Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ ) program and released a draft “Director’s… [ Keep reading ]