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Curb Ramps at Boren Avenue and University Street

The Seattle Times submitted a number of reader questions about transportation related work around the city.  Reader comment:  “The ramp and adjacent sidewalk was jackhammered out and new ramps and adjacent sidewalk installed.” This is an example of rework by a private contractor that SDOT required.  Boren Avenue was repaved… [ Keep reading ]

Concrete Work at 3600 Block of Whitman Avenue N

The Seattle Times submitted a number of reader questions about transportation related work around the city.  Reader comment:  “They needed to replace the single slab and the adjacent curb, but in the process of pulling it up they damaged the adjacent slab and curb – and presto, had to now… [ Keep reading ]

Curb Repair on Turnoff at Gilman Avenue W and 26th Avenue W

The Seattle Times submitted a number of reader questions about transportation related work around the city.  Reader comment:  “Crews replaced half the curb one or two months ago and cut curve in it for a turnoff that leads to nothing.” SDOT crews removed overgrown vegetation in the area and replaced… [ Keep reading ]

Curb Repair on NE 50th Street at 37th Avenue NE and 38th Avenue NE

The Seattle Times submitted a number of reader questions about transportation related work around the city.  Reader comment:  “SDOT crews ripped out portions of curbs and sidewalks and replaced them, but did not replace them with ADA ramps.” This is an example of an SDOT spot repair of a broken… [ Keep reading ]

30th Avenue S at 3000 Block of South Graham

The Seattle Times submitted a number of reader questions about transportation related work around the city.  Reader comment:  “Curb blunder on Chief Sealth Trail.” SDOT has not done any recent work in the area and a site visit did not show any signs of construction work, public or private.

New Curb Ramps at 15th Avenue NE and NE Brockman Place

The Seattle Times submitted a number of reader questions about transportation related work around the city.  Reader comment:  “The city very diligently put in wheelchair access curbs and then did nothing to make the rest of the sidewalks accessible.” As part of a roadway repaving program, curb ramps are typically… [ Keep reading ]

New Sidewalk at 30th Avenue S, South of Jackson Street

The Seattle Times submitted a number of reader questions about transportation related work around the city.  Reader comment:  “Work done and redone several times.”  Pouring of concrete in this location was deliberately done in phases over several days, not because of rework.  There was one instance during this project where… [ Keep reading ]

Concrete Work around Utility Cover at Meridian Avenue N and N 34th Street

The Seattle Times submitted a number of reader questions about transportation related work around the city.  Reader comment:  “A manhole cover that partially blocked the intersection for close to a week while it dried, only to become very cracked within weeks of job completion.” This work was completed seven years… [ Keep reading ]

Ramp at 95th and 20th NE, and New Sidewalk without Curb Ramp at 98th and 20th NE

The Seattle Times submitted a number of reader questions about transportation related work around the city.  Reader comment:  “One ends with a steep path into the park.  At 98th and 20th NE, workers removed the wheelchair ramp and replaced it with a sidewalk that has no wheelchair ramp.” SDOT performed… [ Keep reading ]

Concrete Work at Cascade Park, Corner of Harrison and Minor Streets

The Seattle Times submitted a number of reader questions about transportation related work around the city.  Reader comment:  “Was poured and repoured seven or eight times.” This project was a collaboration of multiple agencies, including SDOT.  The project was phased and planned for each agency to perform their requirements without… [ Keep reading ]