SURVEY | Share your feedback on our proposed curbspace & parking changes near the new Roosevelt Station
It’s happening! Sound Transit announced this month that the Roosevelt Link Light Rail Station is on schedule to open on October 2, 2021! In preparation for the new station and new travel patterns in the area, we’re proposing updates to some on-street parking near the station. Read on to see them. We want to hear… [ Keep reading ]
West Seattle and Ballard light rail extensions project: City of Seattle elevates Seattle community interests in our formal comments to Sound Transit, as part of the planning and environmental review process.
Editor’s Note (June 8, 2022): We presented to the Seattle City Council on June 7 regarding the City’s draft recommendations. Recommended next steps include additional environmental analysis, continued community engagement, and other refinements to help minimize project impacts and promote system access for communities throughout the project corridor. To learn… [ Keep reading ]