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Roadside Chat | Meet Susanna Ryan, author of the Seattle Walk Report!

Often during our daily commutes, we tend to overlook some of the unique characteristics that define Seattle’s most lively neighborhoods. Susanna Ryan, local author and illustrator of the Seattle Walk Report and Secret Seattle, uncovers these special attributes and oddities during her daily walks around town. Ryan’s illustrated walking tour… [ Keep reading ]

A former “flume” property in Georgetown will be transformed to create a new off-leash dog park and community walking, biking, and rolling connection

We’re happy to share that the Seattle City Council Transportation & Utilities Committee voted today to approve the transfer of a currently unused “flume” site in Georgetown from Seattle City Light to Seattle Parks & Recreation and the Seattle Department of Transportation. What does this mean for the nearby community?… [ Keep reading ]

Best of the Month | What we learned from A Week Without Driving 

The challenge: Can you go a week without driving?    From October 22-29, Disability Rights Washington challenged elected leaders and transportation and transit agency staff to go without driving themselves for a Week Without Driving. More than 100 participated, including SDOT Director Sam Zimbabwe, members of the SDOT senior leadership team, and staff from across the department. The purpose of the week is… [ Keep reading ]

New travel options: walk, bike, roll, or take transit to the new Climate Pledge Arena in Uptown!

Summary: Walk, bike, or roll to the next Climate Pledge Arena event: We’ve been busy installing several new connections to help people safely and more easily travel to the new arena, and move through the Uptown neighborhood. Ride transit to the new arena: Transit is a great option too –… [ Keep reading ]

Walktober is here! Fun ideas to rack up the miles with your family and friends this month

Summary: Walktober: Each year, we celebrate walking and rolling during the entire month of October (aka Walktober)! Walktober features a variety of ways to get involved and get active. FeetFirst and other community-led organizations across the region have seen robust participation each year since 2015! Safe Routes to School: October… [ Keep reading ]

What do you need to walk, roll, or bike to school safely? Our Safe Routes to School program is ready to fund your ideas with Mini Grants all year long.

Summary Can you think of something that would make it safer for you to walk, roll, or bike to school? Safe Routes to School Mini Grants are for small projects like bicycle helmets, lights, pedestrian crossing flags, Walking School Buses, and more. New! We are offering the Mini Grants on a rolling basis. Nonprofits, Seattle schools, and… [ Keep reading ]