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Update: Automated Enforcement pilot program adds cameras to increase data set for a more robust analysis

Update March 28, 2024: This blog post was originally posted in November 2021 and has been updated with the latest information. Update (March 2024) Block the box traffic safety camera at the follow locations will be activated on April 8, 2024. Once activated, the new traffic camera will photograph the license… [ Keep reading ]

Melrose Ave street changes at E Pike and E Pine streets in Capitol Hill coming soon

Blog stats: 1,000 words | 5-minute read At-a-glance: We’re making updates to Melrose Ave between E Pike St and E Pine St in Capitol Hill. These changes will make the street more comfortable for people walking, biking, and rolling. They’ll also address issues of illegal parking and illegal left turns… [ Keep reading ]

New, permanent Healthy Streets locations coming to Seattle!

Editor’s note (August 22, 2023): We originally published this blog post on October 12, 2022, and have updated it since then with the latest information. Please note: you can click on the links below to jump down to any section: We are making 6 new Healthy Streets locations permanent! … [ Keep reading ]

West Marginal Way SW Safety Corridor Improvements – A Data-Driven Safety Project

Blog stats: 1,200 words | 7-minute read Editor’s Note (March 27, 2023): Project construction is scheduled to begin in early-April. For more information, please visit the project web page or read this construction notice. At-a-glance: Through collaboration with the community, we identified safety improvements on West Marginal Way SW as… [ Keep reading ]

Share your input on the design of the Alki Point Healthy Street

At our project open house on Wednesday, Nov. 9, we shared design plans for the Alki Point Healthy Street. We want your feedback on the design of the Healthy Street, including signs, landscaping, travel lanes, and traffic calming elements such as traffic circles and curb bulbs. For anyone who couldn’t… [ Keep reading ]

#WeekWithoutDriving 2022: Reflections from Team SDOT

Summary at a glance: We participated in the second annual #WeekWithoutDriving, from Sept. 19-23, 2022. This experience helped us gain a better understanding of the challenges that people face navigating their communities without driving themselves. Our participating staff reflect on how their week went and what they learned along the… [ Keep reading ]

Coming soon to Ballard Ave NW: improvements for people walking and nearby businesses

In June, we shared a blog post highlighting an exciting partnership with Councilmember Dan Strauss, the Ballard Alliance, and local businesses to further improve mobility and access for people walking and support businesses on Ballard Ave NW between 20th Ave NW and 22nd Ave NW, also known as the Ballard… Filed Under: Accessibility, Parking, Pedestrians, Safety, SDOT, Traffic and ConstructionTagged With: , , , , , , , ,

Know before you go: quick travel tips for a busy 4th of July weekend

This weekend is the 4th of July – often a busy time for summer travel, and also a weekend full of summer construction and events. WSDOT’s Revive I-5 work continues this weekend to replace aging expansion joints on I-5 near downtown Seattle, and we have work planned on the Spokane… [ Keep reading ]

This summer, we’re improving Ballard Ave NW for people walking and nearby businesses

We are partnering with Councilmember Dan Strauss, the Ballard Alliance, and local businesses to improve mobility and access for people walking and businesses on Ballard Ave NW between 20th Ave NW and 22nd Ave NW, also known as the Ballard Ave Café Street. In 2020, we worked with Ballard Ave… [ Keep reading ]

Bike Everywhere Month | Seattle students bike to school events recap!

Editor’s Note (June 15, 2022): We added a photo and quote from a parent of a student at Hazel Wolf K-12 school in Seattle alongside other Bike to School event photos and information. Summary: As part of Bike Everywhere Month 2022, Seattle students recently participated in bike to school events,… [ Keep reading ]