The work to make Aurora Ave N (a Washington State roadway) safer was made possible through funding secured by State Senator Reuven Carlyle.
We have recently installed two solar-powered speed radar signs: one on the southbound side of Aurora Ave N at N 38th St and the other on the northbound side near 6th Ave N. The signs show drivers their speed as they travel across the bridge and encourage them to slow down. We also installed and extended guardrail for the northbound approach to the bridge. This follows recent crossing improvements at N 83rd St.
“Following the Aurora Bridge tragedy of 2015, and hearing the personal stories of so many constituents, I felt a public and moral obligation to secure state funding to improve public safety on our iconic bridge. I also worked to lower the bureaucratic silos between the city and state to benefit tens of thousands of daily drivers. This effort to slow traffic isn’t a magic wand that will protect everyone from any danger but it is a major effort to refocus on public safety. In turn, we honor those who died or were injured and recognize the suffering of their families. I’m grateful that Mayor Durkan helped us get this important project done. And, of course, we’re not finished. I am also committed to working with my legislative colleagues and the city to improve the public safety, pedestrian and bicycle access and community enjoyment of the entire Aurora Avenue corridor in the years ahead.”
Senator Carlyle
There is still work to be done, as demonstrated by recent traffic fatalities and serious injuries on Aurora Ave N.
With these speed radar signs, we signal future investment on this busy street and again announce a commitment to making streets citywide safer for all travelers. We continue to work daily towards our Vision Zero goal of ending serious injuries and deaths on Seattle roads by 2030.
“Aurora Ave N is one of our city’s busiest corridors, and has seen injury and loss of life that makes ongoing safety projects imperative. We honor and remember those people walking, rolling, biking, and driving who have lost their lives and we continue to commit to making safety enhancements on Aurora Ave N and citywide. We are grateful for the opportunity to work in partnership with Senator Carlyle and our regional partners to reach our Vision Zero goal to end serious traffic injuries and fatalities by 2030.”
Mayor Jenny Durkan
We thank Senator Carlyle for championing these investments, and look forward to future partnership to keep people traveling in and through Seattle safe.
Recently, we submitted an application to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for a grant that would fund safety planning and design for people walking and rolling along Aurora Ave N. The project is on WSDOT’s “Proposed Priority List” and is dependent on funding from the state legislature. We hope to hear more early next year and will continue to work with our partners to resource our shared vision for a safer, more livable Aurora Ave N.