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Posts categorized under PalmaS, Author at SDOT Blog - Page 5 of 13

Practice Street Safety as you Trick-or-Treat in your Neighborhood

Let’s have a fun and safe Halloween this year. Did you know? There are currently more than 2,000 miles of sidewalks in Seattle drop the end because we don’t want to point out our shortcoming either. But keep in mind, that Seattle streets and sidewalks vary in slope and the… [ Keep reading ]

Visit the Waterfront Seattle Photobooth on October 28!

Can you picture yourself on our future waterfront? Wear your costume – or borrow ours – and join the fun at our free photobooth! Sunday, October 28, 2012 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. FREE Trick-or-treat along Seattle’s iconic Waterfront at over fifteen participating businesses all the way from… [ Keep reading ]

A Night of Elliott Bay Seawall Habitat at the Seattle Aquarium: “Aquaversity”

Did you know that biologists have seen ling cod, painted greenling, cullback rockfish, and schools of pink salmon along the Elliott Bay seawall? And did  you know there is ongoing scientific study on salmon migration along our urban waterfront? On October 8, Elliott Bay Seawall Project staff and researchers presented… [ Keep reading ]

King Street Station Gets Steel Bones

The structural retrofit is still in progress at King Street Station. The new seismic steel installation will help the station withstand future earthquakes. The series of pictures below capture some of the activities that have been taking place. In this picture below, the interior original columns are being wrapped with… [ Keep reading ]

New Milestone Reached for the South Park Bridge Construction

The construction on this project has reached the half-way mark. About two weeks ago, the deck of one of the south approach spans was poured; another span is being formed up on the Boeing side of the project site, and the deck is scheduled to be poured in mid-October. If… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrate SDOT Workers: Part 5-Jo Kimble

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. In honor of the holiday and our hard working employees, we spent the last few Fridays blogging about them. Today is our final post and we would like to introduce you to… [ Keep reading ]

Elliott Bay Seawall Asking For Contractor to Help Design

In early September, the City of Seattle released a “Request for Qualifications and Proposed Approach” for General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) services for the Elliott Bay Seawall project.  Qualified firms are encouraged to submit proposals by October 10, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. (PST), and SDOT aims to have the GC/CM on… [ Keep reading ]

The First Hill Streetcar project, now nearly 6 months into construction, has reached its first major milestone!

While underground utility work began in April (and is still a long way to completion), the focus this summer was completing the installation of the streetcar tracks in front of both Seattle Central Community College and Bailey Gatzert Elementary School during the summer months when most students were not around. … [ Keep reading ]

Celebrate SDOT Workers: Part 3—Cliserio Bonilla

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. In honor of the holiday and our hard working employees, we are using the next few Fridays to blog about them. Continue reading to learn about Cliserio Bonilla, Senior Grounds Equipment Mechanic…. [ Keep reading ]

Replacing Parking Lost to the Alaskan Way Viaduct Project

Did you hear? SDOT and WSDOT have partnered to develop a $30 million mitigation plan to address the parking lost due to the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project. This plan would create short-term parking (less than four-hours) nearby in the Seattle waterfront and Pioneer Square areas that is both convenient… [ Keep reading ]