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Learn more about Transit through our Transit Master Plan Briefing Book

Interested in learning more about Seattle’s existing transit services, people’s travel patterns and new transit markets? Perhaps you’re curious about how other cities are dealing with transit challenges? Or want to find out about transit best practices around the US and the world? If the answer to any of these… [ Keep reading ]

Transit Tips

Last month’s Walk Bike Rider E-newsletter has info about changes that happened in early February to thirty bus routes that serve downtown.  So if you’ve noticed your bus isn’t at the same stop….we can help you find it.   Or consider these savvy tips in the newsletter: One elevator connects light rail… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle’s Waterfront is changing. Find out what’s happening and contribute.

Great cities have great public spaces, such as Millennium Park in Chicago, and Seattle is no different. The redeveloped Waterfront will be Seattle’s new ‘front porch’ – a place where there is something for everyone: from parks and public spaces, to streets that balance all uses, opportunities to enjoy the… [ Keep reading ]

What to do with all that stuff?

If you’re moving in or out, you may have discovered the convenience of a portable storage unit. However, what the portable storage unit companies don’t always tell you is that you need a Street Use permit if you are going to put the unit in the public right-of-way. Public right-of-way… [ Keep reading ]

Ingraham High School Tackles Distracted Driving

Last Monday Ingraham High School students launched a contest challenging local high school students to design a billboard or create a video demonstrating the dangers of texting while walking or driving. The goal is to reduce the number of collisions involving young people who are distracted while texting. The contest,… [ Keep reading ]

Stairway to History

Any one that travels around Seattle realizes we are defined by our “hills.”  Whether the hills that no longer exist, such as Denny Regrade, or the ones that do: Queen Anne, First Hill, Beacon Hill, Capitol Hill, West Seattle and others.  SDOT Roadway Structures Manager John Buswell notes that when the… [ Keep reading ]

It’s Official – McGraw Square Is Open!

…to make a bus connection, eat your lunch, or just people watch! This morning, with the sun shining brightly, the happy music of the Spruce Street School Marimba Band playing, and over 100 people excitedly milling about, SDOT celebrated the completion of the McGraw Square Improvements Project. The square is… [ Keep reading ]

A Remodel for Amtrak at King Street Station

As part of the King Street Station rehabilitation SDOT is setting Amtrak up to move ticketing, baggage and offices into a brand new space. Bids were recently advertised for tenant improvement work on the north part of the first floor. When completed late this summer Amtrak will be able to… [ Keep reading ]

You are here…

Want to create a sense of place in your neighborhood and promote more interaction between your neighbors?  Then painting an intersection where your streets meet might just be the answer! Not only does it help the neighborhood build a sense of community, but it could have an indirect effect on… [ Keep reading ]

Rules of the Road, Part III

(The final installment of a three part series to review the rules of the road for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists) Over the past three weeks we’ve reviewed some key rules of the road for drivers and pedestrians.  Today marks the final installment in the series as we look into the… [ Keep reading ]