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#SeattleSqueezeAlert – Be prepared for changes to Seattle’s streets beginning January 9.

PLEASE NOTE: Starting January 14, 2019, we will retire the On the Move blog channel and all traffic advisory blogs will be posted on the SDOT blog channel.  To manage the increased volume of traffic on our city’s streets and changing traffic patterns in advance of the SR closure beginning Friday, January 11, we’re configuring key streets and… [ Keep reading ]

SATURDAY, JAN. 5: Temporary Bus Lane Construction on 4th Ave S for the #SeattleSqueeze.

PLEASE NOTE: Starting January 14, 2019, we will retire the On the Move blog channel and all traffic advisory blogs will be posted on the SDOT blog channel.  Temporary bus lane construction will occur on Saturday, January 5. To manage the increased volume of traffic on our city’s streets and changing traffic patterns in advance… [ Keep reading ]

STARTING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2: Buses merge with traffic on Aurora Ave N at N 100th St. 

PLEASE NOTE: Starting January 14, 2019, we will retire the On the Move blog channel and all traffic advisory blogs will be posted on the SDOT blog channel.  We’re making progress on the North Seattle Neighborhood Greenway. Heads up travelers, we’re making progress on the North Seattle Neighborhood Greenway and will be installing accessible curb ramps and sidewalk improvements. Starting… [ Keep reading ]

EARLY FRI MORNING: Traffic Rail Replacement on W Emerson St near W Nickerson St

PLEASE NOTE: Starting January 14, 2019, we will retire the On the Move blog channel and all traffic advisory blogs will be posted on the SDOT blog channel.  Traffic Rail Replacement on W Emerson St near W Nickerson St Heads up travelers, on Friday, Dec. 21 from 3 to 6… [ Keep reading ]

Storm Advisory: Getting gusty! High winds throughout the day. See our quick tips!

You’ve likely noticed, it’s already quite windy and wet today. The National Weather Service is predicting a blustery Thursday, with sustained southerly winds (25-40 MPH) and gusts up to 60 MPH from 10 AM to 7 PM in the Seattle area. To that effect, they’ve issued a High Wind Warning… [ Keep reading ]

Announcing: Rideshare to Transit pilot. Creative solutions for reducing congestion.

It’s time to say farewell to the SR 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct – the stretch of highway along the Seattle waterfront. The longest major highway closure the Puget Sound Region has ever seen is slated to begin 10 PM on Friday, January 11, 2019, when SR 99 will close from… [ Keep reading ]

THIS SATURDAY: 23rd Avenue S will be local access only between S Massachusetts St & S Jackson St.

Heads up travelers,  this Saturday, Dec. 15 from 7 AM to 5 PM, 23rd Avenue S between S Massachusetts St and S Jackson St will be local access only. This work will allow us to pour concrete in the center lane of 23rd Ave S safely and without severely impacting local… [ Keep reading ]

Work at Crown Hill Park to close one lane of eastbound Holman Rd NW. 

Work at Crown Hill Park to close one lane of eastbound Holman Rd NW.  We’re making progress on the Holman Rd NW and 13th Ave NW new signal. We’re conducting work in Crown Hill Park that will result in the closing of one westbound lane of Holman Rd NW. Work will start… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle to celebrate 100th Community Engagement Event | SR 99 Viaduct closure & Seattle Squeeze!

To inform people about their travel options during the SR 99 closure and beyond, the City of Seattle – in coordination with partners at the Washington State Department of Transportation, King County Metro, and Sound Transit – has been actively engaged in briefing communities since early September, throughout Seattle and… [ Keep reading ]

Start Your New Year’s Resolution Early: Talk to Your Employer About Commute Options.

 The words “Seattle Squeeze” are buzzing around the region. Beginning with WSDOT’s permanent closure of the Alaska Way Viaduct on January 11 and continuing over the next three years, Seattle is entering a new era of tough traffic. Private and public megaprojects will continue to reduce capacity on our… [ Keep reading ]