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The view from above #Realign99.

Aerial images captured by one of our own. This picture of the fading sunlight over Seattle’s cityscape seems appropriate for us as we sunset a part of Seattle’s history (#GoodbyeViaduct, we will miss you) and prepare for the present/future (hello, #99Tunnel) in the coming days. This is truly a new… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Department of Transportation releases new workplan for delivering on the Levy to Move Seattle

From levy assessment to new levy action plan; SDOT provides more detail and transparency in project delivery. Hey there Seattle! As we work to deliver safer streets, better roads, and more reliable transit options, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is updating residents and taxpayers on the improvements we’ve made in… [ Keep reading ]

We’re celebrating the completion of the University/Cowen Paving Project!

To maintain their usability, every year we pave arterial streets prioritizing them by pavement condition; traffic volume; geographic equity; and opportunities for grants or coordination with nearby projects, to support costs. Our hardworking maintenance and paving team tackled multiple projects this construction season, celebrating the completion of the University/Cowen Paving Project… [ Keep reading ]

Crunching the numbers for Move Seattle Levy

Move Seattle was passed by residents envisioning a better transportation future. Safe | Affordable | Vibrant | Innovative | Interconnected remain our five core values, and Mayor Durkan is committed to ensuring that Move Seattle is fully accountable and transparent while delivering efficiently, and effectively your priorities for safety improvements, street… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle’s transportation new normal is just around the corner.

We’re getting ready for the Maximum Constraint. Starting January 11, 2019, As early as this fall the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) will move forward with the permanent closure of the Alaskan Way Viaduct. This construction project is one of countless private and public construction projects taking place in the… [ Keep reading ]

UPDATE! 3rd Ave transit improvements – Starts Mon. Aug. 20

Starting this Monday, August 20 fall. As the Washington State Department of Transportation plans for a full three-week closure as early as this fall, of SR 99 downtown – the Alaskan Way Viaduct – and the opening of a new SR 99 tunnel under downtown, we’re ramping up our strategy to deal… [ Keep reading ]

Progress on 23rd Ave Construction.

We’ve been busy rebuilding 23rd Ave S. and we’re close to wrapping up the west side concrete work on 23rd Ave S between S Jackson and S Norman streets. Coming up next in early August, we’re switching to the east side. Here’s what you can expect. West side concrete… [ Keep reading ]

More Shade, More Gain | A Move Seattle Street Tree Story

Aaaaahhh, shade – it’s a beautiful thing. Now that summer is just a week away, we’re going to need more of it. Seattle is fortunate to have approximately 28% of its land covered with tree canopy. A conservative estimate of 300,000 street trees contributes to this amazing forest. Our Urban… [ Keep reading ]

The latest on Move Seattle.

✔ Voters approved a visionary $930M transportation levy in 2015 – wanting safer streets, better roads, and more reliable transit options. In the last two years, we’ve made some significant progress in achieving those goals. The new protected bike lane on 2nd Ave and the Rainier Valley Greenway are starting to make… [ Keep reading ]

✔️MOVE SEATTLE: 2017 Milestones

We’ve done a lot and reached some big milestones so far this year, thanks to the voter-approved Levy to Move Seattle! Highlights: ✔️ Repainted more than 1,500 crosswalks and meeting our annual goal to fulfill our commitment to repainting crosswalks every four years. ✔️ Repainted more than 560 miles of… [ Keep reading ]