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A critical safety project to replace the aging Fairview Ave N bridge kicks off construction next week.

Thousands of people travel on Fairview Ave N between South Lake Union and Eastlake every day without even realizing that they’re passing over Seattle’s last remaining major road on a wooden bridge. The road next to the historic Lake Union Steam Plant building just south of where Fairview Ave… [ Keep reading ]

Magnolia Bridge Study Results

The Magnolia Bridge was built in 1930 & has stood watching over Elliott Bay for nearly 90 years.   The Magnolia Bridge has seen a lot over the years. No, we’re not talking about the stunning view you enjoy while driving along the bridge (arguably one of the best viewpoints of downtown in Seattle); we’re talking about the bridge itself.  Ninety years is… [ Keep reading ]

Let’s talk about bike investments in your neighborhood

Over the next 2 weeks transportation planners and the Department of Neighborhoods are hosting café-style conversations about a proposed 6-year plan to build a connected bike network. The plan anticipates constructing 49 miles of bicycle facilities and designing an additional 13 miles using a combination of Levy to Move Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Making the most of the Move Seattle Levy resources to implement the Bicycle Master Plan.

Over the past 3 years, the City of Seattle has built 27 miles of new bike facilities. Mayor Durkan and SDOT Director, Sam Zimbabwe are committed to continuing to build a connected bike network as Seattle grows. We know many people are talking about how we’re implementing Seattle’s 2014 Bicycle… [ Keep reading ]

Keeping you in the Levy loop.

We completed a comprehensive reassessment on the Levy to Move Seattle. Last fall, we completed a comprehensive reassessment on the Levy to Move Seattle under the leadership of Mayor Durkan. The update was based on more realistic assumptions than we used in 2015. This is an update on… [ Keep reading ]

March 23-24: Get ready for round two of closures at S Massachusetts St & 23rd Ave S.

This weekend, March 23-24, our work continues from last weekend at the 23rd Ave S and S Massachusetts St intersection to replace the existing concrete panels on S Massachusetts St as part of the larger 23rd Ave Corridor Improvements project. This weekend we’re completing the second half of the project and replacing the concrete… [ Keep reading ]

The Levy to Move Seattle programs & projects for 2019.

The $930 million voter-approved Levy to Move Seattle provides funding for projects that improve safety for all travelers, maintains our streets and bridges, and invests in reliable, affordable travel options for Seattle.  Back in April of 2018, we developed the Updated Workplan Report following a comprehensive assessment of the Levy… [ Keep reading ]

Join the Move Seattle Levy Oversight Committee! Apply by March 1.

Are you a Seattle resident passionate about transportation? Do you have a background in management, public policy, advocacy, finance, or business? Are you passionate about the work we’re doing to care for roads, bridges, and sidewalks; build the bike network and safe streets, and keep people and goods moving throughout… [ Keep reading ]

Monday, Feb 4: We’re closing the west side of the 23rd Ave S & S Judkins St intersection.

We’re placing conduit. Here’s what you can expect. As the initial closure of the east side of the intersection wraps up, we’ll be moving to the west side of the 23rd Ave S and S Judkins St intersection on Monday, February 4. We will be digging a trenching across the… [ Keep reading ]

The east side of the 23rd Ave S and S Judkins St intersection will be closed for the next week.

On January 29, we closed the east side of the 23rd Ave S and S Judkins St intersection and expect this initial closure to last about a week. We’re digging a trench across S Judkins St so to place conduit. Once we’re done trenching, we will temporarily patch the hole… [ Keep reading ]