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Northgate Construction Update: Completing Phase One

The NE Northgate Way & 5th Avenue NE Intersection and Pedestrian Improvements Project (say THAT fast five times) soon moves to Phase Two.  This week, crews have been installing sections of stamped concrete cross walk, constructing sidewalks, paving the roadway and building a landscaped median (on NE Northgate Way just west of Fifth Avenue… [ Keep reading ]

What’s with the scaffolding on the King Street Station tower?

If you have been wondering what’s going on now at the King Street Station (KSS), you’ve got company!  The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has had many inquiries about the scaffolding that now adorns the 12 story clock tower.   The restoration project is now in the midst of Phase 2B… [ Keep reading ]

Get Fit, Get Healthy with the Walk Bike Ride Challenge!

Last week we gave you a breakdown on how each of Seattle’s neighborhoods was stacking up in the Walk Bike Ride Challenge. This week we thought we’d share some of the Challenge’s great health benefits! In the U.S. over 16% of the population has a gym membership, yet we often… [ Keep reading ]

Watch out for striping crews!

Summer is officially here and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) crews are out all over the city restriping roadway markings – lane lines along arterials, crosswalks and bike lanes and sharrows.  This work is an annual rite of summer and there is a small window to get this work… [ Keep reading ]

Mercer West at Summer Fests!

If you’re out enjoying summer festivals this weekend and early August, please stop on by the Seattle Department of Transportation information table to chat about Mercer West! Members of the project team will be at several events coming up: July 29, 2012 | Hispanic Seafair Festival August 3-4  Magnolia SummerFest… [ Keep reading ]

What has BTG done for me lately?

The 2011 Bridging the Gap  (BTG) Annual Report is now complete and available on-line.  2011 was the fifth year of the levy program and it was again a very busy and successful year for the Seattle Department of Transportation.  This past year, projects were completed across the city in nearly… [ Keep reading ]

Not just a bumper sticker slogan…

  Hang up and drive! Last month, a Massachusetts teen was convicted of homicide as a result of texting while driving and will serve one year in prison. A landmark case for the state, Aaron Deveau, 18, was found guilty on charges of vehicular homicide, texting while driving and negligent… [ Keep reading ]

Happy Trails!

Bridging the Gap (BTG) is making it easier to walk, bike and ride around the city.  Over the first five years of the program, sidewalks have been built, bike lanes and sharrows installed, and improvements have been made to improve the speed and reliability of transit.  An essential element of… [ Keep reading ]

The Beacon Hill Neighborhood Greenway – Soon to Become a Reality!

Don’t Miss the Open House Thursday  Beacon Hill is one of six neighborhoods in Seattle where greenways will be installed this year. Neighborhood greenways are routes on non-arterial streets that are improved for safe, family-friendly bicycle and pedestrian travel, and are usually designed for reduced vehicle speeds and volumes. A… [ Keep reading ]

Go for a walk!

Did you know the city has more than 2,200 miles of sidewalk?  That’s a lot of sidewalk, however we have a way to go before the network is complete.  Sidewalks play an important role in our communities.  Sidewalks connect and provide safe alternatives to get from home to work or… [ Keep reading ]