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Bridging Seattle with BTG

Voter approved Bridging the Gap (BTG) funds have helped complete a significant number of Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) capital projects in 2010, including the rehabilitation of several highly utilized bridges.  If you live in or travel through the U-District you likely saw the work completed on the NE 45th… [ Keep reading ]

One Push of the Button Will Do

NPR recently did a story on whether those “close door  >< ” elevator  buttons actually work*.  The reporter closed the story with “they are just like pedestrian push buttons…”  Well, we thought we’d clarify how those pedestrian push buttons work.  Most buttons are tied into the signal cycle for the… [ Keep reading ]

S Holgate Street to S King Street Viaduct Replacement

SDOT is working with WSDOT to coordinate relocation of underground utility and water systems near the southern portion of the viaduct between S Holgate Street and S King Street. The work is part of city street improvements that will help keep traffic moving during construction to replace the southern mile… [ Keep reading ]

International District Gets Its First Green Street

Tom Im, with InterIm Community Development Association, recently thanked SDOT and many other city departments and agencies for their efforts to implement the first “Green Street” in the International District. The design and implementation of this project needed many hundreds of volunteers and over six years to complete.

Tour Seattle’s Newest Bike Routes

Throughout the year, the SDOT Blog has posted numerous reports on the newest bike facilities to hit the streets in Seattle.  This year we installed more than 20 miles of new bike facilities as we continue to implement the Bicycle Master Plan’s vision of a 450-mile on- and off-street bicycle network.  Our planners and engineers tackled many difficult projects… [ Keep reading ]

West Thomas is Coming! West Thomas is Coming!

Pedestrians and cyclists take note, the bridge over the railroad tracks, from Elliott Avenue West to Myrtle Edwards Park, at West Thomas Street, WILL happen!!!   This overpass will provide a key connection to the waterfront from the Lower Queen Anne and Belltown neighborhoods.   When the bike/ped overpass project kicked off… [ Keep reading ]

Street Streams

After the thunder and lightning ended this morning, I saw my neighbor out in the rain raking leaves out of the street. As I passed him I said “Wow, you are dedicated!”. He said “Hey, you have to seize your moment…and I love to see the river of water flowing… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT’s Traffic Counting Guru

Meet Vincent Prince, SDOT’s supervisor in charge of collecting data on traffic volumes around the city. It’s a big job with about 2,000 to 3,000 traffic counts administered per year. What goes into a single “traffic count”? A rubber tube is laid across the travel lanes coming into a particular… [ Keep reading ]

Fir or Spruce? Real or Artificial? Flocked or Metallic? How About A Living Tree?

Selecting a live Christmas tree has a many benefits: You’ll save a tree from the dump or the wood chipper, you’ll be investing your money in something you can celebrate and enjoy all year, and you’ll be doing your part to help rebuild Seattle’s tree canopy. Increasing Seattle’s tree canopy… [ Keep reading ]

Making Seattle Safer through a Holiday Pedestrian Safety Campaign

The unfortunate truth is that while Seattle is a safe large city for pedestrians, collisions between cars and pedestrians do occur.   And if you look at this map of collision locations in downtown from 2006-2008, they are occurring at intersections that already have traffic signals, signs, crosswalks and street lights. … [ Keep reading ]