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Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and a City Holiday

The City of Seattle is closed for the day honoring the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, leader of the modern American Civil Rights Movement .  Through nonviolent demonstrations,  his brave efforts promoted  equality under the law and furthered racial equality for all Americans,  particularly African Americans. In 1964, when King was only 35 years… [ Keep reading ]

Mercer Corridor Project
Weekly Construction Wrap Up

Work continued this week on Mercer Street between Fifth Avenue North and Dexter Avenue North and the west side of SR 99 between Valley and Harrison streets. Construction continued on Mercer Street at Fifth Avenue West and lane restrictions continue on Fifth Avenue North to accommodate utility work beneath the… Filed Under: SDOTTagged With:

Improvements underway on Third Avenue Transit Corridor

Third Avenue through downtown is the city’s most heavily used transit corridor, with over 42,000 transit boardings each weekday, with riders getting on and off some 2,500 buses.  Working to make this transit experience easier, quicker, and more enjoyable, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and King County Metro are… [ Keep reading ]

2013 Downtown Holiday Pedestrian Safety Campaign wraps up

Share your feedback and ideas for future efforts Our 5th annual Downtown Holiday Pedestrian Safety campaign is winding down and we’d like to hear from you. Share your ideas and feedback on the campaign by taking this quick survey (it’ll take about 5 minutes). From mid-November to mid-January, we took… [ Keep reading ]

Mercer Corridor Project
Weekly Construction Preview

Work continues this week on the north side of Mercer Street between Fifth Avenue North and Dexter Avenue North and the west side of SR 99 between Valley and Harrison streets. Construction continues on Mercer Street at Fifth Avenue West and daytime lane restrictions continue on Fifth Avenue North to… Filed Under: SDOT

Ride Up and Be Counted—Seven New Bike Counters Installed

Seattle is working to make bike riding a comfortable part of daily life for people of all ages and abilities. Toward this end the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is constructing neighborhood greenways, protected bike lanes and multi-use trails; installing signs to guide people to their destinations; and putting in… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City Council updated on Seawall Project, January 13

Today, SDOT briefed the Seattle City Council on the current status of the Elliott Bay Seawall Project. With an updated commitment to project transparency and accountablity, this was the first presentation on the seawall project to the City Council since the recent transition to the new Mayoral administration. The briefing… [ Keep reading ]

Mercer Corridor Project
Weekly Construction Wrap Up

Construction activities continued on the north side of Mercer Street between Fifth Avenue North and Dexter Avenue North and the west side of SR 99 between Valley and Harrison streets. Construction was completed on Mercer Street at Fifth Avenue West and daytime lane restrictions began on Fifth Avenue North to… Filed Under: SDOTTagged With:

Accidents Rare, Mistakes Common

The word “accident” isn’t really part of our vocabularly here at SDOT. The truth is that the overwhelming majority of collisions – at least 90 percent – are preventable. The word ‘crash’ is a much more accurate way to describe these incidents. Most crashes are caused by mistakes like speeding,… [ Keep reading ]

Once Around the Web: Open Streets!

Remember Summer Streets 2013? Weren’t they great? Did you know that our Summer Streets Program is a part of a wider movement to open up streets around the world? It’s true and here’s a secret…we’re already starting to plan for 2014! But until we have more info, you should check… [ Keep reading ]