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Once Around the Web: Sit a spell!

Street furniture refers to objects placed within the streetscape. The Seattle Right-of-Way Improvements Manual provides the following examples of street furnishings: “benches, litter and recycling receptacles, bike racks, multiple publication newsstands, water fountains, pedestrian scaled lighting and planters. Public art includes art installations that have a functional component and art… [ Keep reading ]

DOL welcomes public comment on the Disability Parking Study

The use and abuse of disabled parking placards continues to be an issue for multiple agencies and departments in Seattle.  SDOT and the Office of Intergovernmental Relations worked with State representatives in early 2012 to bring attention to this issue.  Based on a recent on-street parking utilization study (2013), approximately… [ Keep reading ]

Imagine the Possibilities! PhinneyWood Summer Streets Friday, 8/9

Friday, August 9 is a huge family friendly party along Greenwood Avenue N from N 67th to N 88th Streets. This free event opens the city’s largest public space – its streets – so people can walk, bike, roll, run, skip and shop – without having to watch out for… [ Keep reading ]

Building a More Accessible City

Making the City of Seattle more accessible to all its residents is a big job and one that the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) takes seriously.  Thanks to the Bridging the Gap (BTG) Transportation Initiative passed by Seattle voters in 2006, SDOT is making progress.  Making a city more accessible… [ Keep reading ]

There’s an answer for that!

Whether you want to dazzle your friends with your vast knowledge about hot traffic topics or just want answers to some burning questions, SDOT has some handy question and answer pages on its website that you might want to peruse. Curious about the new pay-by-phone app you can use when… [ Keep reading ]

Mercer Corridor Project
Weekly Construction Preview

This week, crews will continue to work on grading and paving the roadway on Valley Street, Broad Street and Westlake Avenue North, north of Mercer Street. Crews will also continue construction on the north side of Mercer Street between Fifth Avenue North and Dexter Avenue North and the east side… Filed Under: SDOTTagged With:

Save the Date!

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will be holding an Open House on Wednesday August 7 to discuss plans for bus stop and sidewalk improvements along Greenwood Avenue N between N 92nd and N 105th streets. We hope you’ll drop by the Greenwood Library between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m…. [ Keep reading ]

Mercer Corridor Project
Weekly Construction Wrap-Up

This week, crews continued to work on grading and paving the roadway on Valley Street, Broad Street and Westlake Avenue North, north of Mercer Street. Crews also continued construction on the north side of Mercer Street between Fifth  Avenue North and Dexter Avenue North and the east side of SR… Filed Under: SDOTTagged With:

Take Action for Safer Streets

We know that the vast majority of crashes on Seattle streets are the result of preventable behaviors, like speeding, distraction, and impairment. It’s up to every one of us to make Seattle’s streets the safest in the country. We encourage you to do your part and to also talk with… [ Keep reading ]

125th & Sand Point Paving Halfway Done

The NE 125th Street and Sand Point Way NE Paving Project is moving along quickly, with efficient crew members leaving happy travelers in their wake. The project paves nearly five miles of roadway with segments along Roosevelt Way NE, NE 125th Street and Sand Point Way NE. The latest new paving, on… [ Keep reading ]