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Seattle Launches Safe Routes to School “Let’s Go” Program

The City of Seattle officially launched a new partnership between the City, Seattle Public Schools and Cascade Bicycle Club to provide universal pedestrian and bicycle education at every public Seattle elementary school called “Let’s Go.” The announcement was made at Madrona K-8 School in Seattle. Thanks to everyone involved for… [ Keep reading ]

International Walk/Bike to School Day

Today is International Walk/Bike to School Day! Students throughout Seattle are enjoying our city’s Safe Routes to School by walking and biking to school today, part of our program to promote community, healthy lifestyles, and a cleaner environment. Here at SDOT, we developed school walk and bike maps to help you and your child determine… [ Keep reading ]

October is Walk to School Month!

Or “Walktober,” as those in the know like to say! Walktober is a time for kids, parents and teachers to celebrate walking to school with fun events and activities. The goals of this month are to promote walking to school safely while having fun. Want to set up a Walk to School… [ Keep reading ]

Fall Mini Grant Funding Now Open for Safe Routes to School Projects

The Seattle Department of Transportation is now accepting applications for the Safe Routes to School Mini Grants of up to $1,000 to fund projects that educate students about pedestrian and bicycle safety and encourage walking and biking to school. Public and private schools, PTAs, and other non-profit organizations may apply…. [ Keep reading ]

Friendly Safety Reminders for Back to School

Welcome to a new school year!  Safety is our #1 concern and we want to remind you of a few things: Stopping for a school bus – When the red lights are flashing, there are kids ahead! It is Washington state law to stop for a school bus that is… [ Keep reading ]

Safe Routes to School Kicks Off the New School Year

September 7th is the first day of school for Seattle Public Schools and the SDOT Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program got kids and parents excited about the start of the new school year! The first annual SRTS Kickoff Event on Friday, August 26th in Cedar Park was a great success! More than 100… [ Keep reading ]