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Posts tagged with Safe Routes to School Archives - Page 6 of 7 - SDOT Blog

Better Sidewalks Mean Safer Routes to School

While school is out for summer, we’re excited for all the safety improvements that will be done for the start of the new school year! One of the projects we’re currently wrapping up is new sidewalks on S Orcas St in Beacon Hill. These new sidewalks extend from Beacon Ave… [ Keep reading ]

Safe Routes to School and Seattle Police Spread Safety and Smiles

Students and parents at John Rogers Elementary school got a little extra something before being sent off into summer break. The Safe Routes to School program and Seattle Police Department came together last week to reward students and parents for safe walking, biking and driving behavior. Before the first morning… [ Keep reading ]

Sunshine on Our Shoulders for the ‘Find It Fix It’ Walk in Highland Park

More than 50 people turned out on one of the nicest evenings of the year to join Mayor Ed Murray, District One Councilmember Lisa Herbold, and SDOT and other City staff in Highland Park last week, for the most recent Find It, Fix It community walk of 2017. We talked with… [ Keep reading ]

It’s Bike to School Day!

Grab your helmet and bike along with your backpack—today is Bike to School Day and May is Bike to School Month! People of all ages throughout the country are encouraged to commute to school (or work) actively and safely on their bicycle. Safe Routes to School is excited to celebrate… [ Keep reading ]

Brake for Bananas!

Banana Brakes are back this spring, kicking off the season with a Banana Brake at Wing Luke Elementary! SDOT’s Safe Routes to School program (SRTS) welcomed students as they arrived for school before the first bell. Students were proud to tell us about their bike ride, walk to school, or their plans… [ Keep reading ]

Safe Routes to School Now Accepting Spring Mini Grant Applications

SDOT will begin accepting applications on April 1 for its Safe Routes to School Mini Grant Program, which provides grants of up to $1,000 to schools, PTAs, and community groups for education and encouragement programs for walking and biking to school. All public and private K-12 schools within the City… [ Keep reading ]

First Ever Safe Routes to School Annual Report Released

SDOT’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program encourages physical activity through walking and bicycling. We support this effort by funding engineering improvements and education campaigns at public and private schools throughout Seattle. In 2015, we launched our Safe Routes to School 5-Year Action Plan for Seattle. To make sure we’re meeting our action… [ Keep reading ]

Safe Routes to School: Mini Grants and Free Bikes for Kids

SDOT’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program has been busy! The SRTS Mini Grant Program has chosen its grant recipients for the fall 2016 cycle. Twenty-two schools, PTAs and community groups will receive mini grants, which provide up to $1,000 to support biking and walking to school safely. Alki Elementary received a $1,000… [ Keep reading ]

Remembering Those We’ve Lost

This week, Seattle is observing World Remembrance Day and commemorating the 240 people who died in traffic incidents over the past 10 years. On Thursday, families who have lost loved ones, city employees, and first responders gathered at City Hall at an event organized by Seattle Neighborhood Greenways for a public… [ Keep reading ]

Brake for Bananas?

Biking or walking to school in Seattle just keeps getting better. There are more Safe Routes to School than ever, more resources and grants for parents, more schools participating, and the cherry on top? Bananas. Banana Brakes is our new program to help kids kick off a fruitful school year… [ Keep reading ]