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Say what, now? Learn how to talk #WinterWeatherResponse nerd speak.

  Sometimes we talk nerd. From time to time, we SDOTTERS have been known to speak in some really ridiculous technical nerd transportation speak that resembles what most would think might be an alien language? but really – English. During our #WinterWeatherResponse, our operations team go full throttle with strange words… [ Keep reading ]

SNOW & ICE IN SEATTLE — It takes a city!

Yep! We’re in for more snow. Snow in Seattle – it doesn’t happen often, but when it does (“Yaaay – snow days!” said all the kids in Seattle), it can impact our transportation system and the way we all get around. In Seattle, some winters bring heavy snowfall and other… [ Keep reading ]

Managing the winter weather. We’re working for you.

The snow is falling and a winter weather advisory remains in place until 1 PM this afternoon. To maintain access to essential services we’ve been pretreating streets, plowing snow, and working closely with our partners. Follow our progress and see where our plows have been. View our traffic cameras on… [ Keep reading ]

WE’RE READY: The coldest air of the season arrives this Sunday w/a chance for snow.

We might finally see some snow this weekend. Does anyone else think that winter has been a month off this season? Starting this Sunday, February 3 until the middle of next week, we’re expected to have the coldest air of the season. Here’s what the National Weather Service is predicting:… [ Keep reading ]

Meet Sam, SDOT’s new director!

Welcome, Sam! Monday marked the first day on the job for SDOT’s new director, Sam Zimbabwe. Here’s a snip from his first email to the City team: “Thank you for welcoming me so enthusiastically to Seattle! I can’t express what an honor it is to be a… [ Keep reading ]

Monday, Feb 4: We’re closing the west side of the 23rd Ave S & S Judkins St intersection.

We’re placing conduit. Here’s what you can expect. As the initial closure of the east side of the intersection wraps up, we’ll be moving to the west side of the 23rd Ave S and S Judkins St intersection on Monday, February 4. We will be digging a trenching across the… [ Keep reading ]

Here are the #SeattleSqueeze numbers you’ve been waiting for.

One week down, Seattle. We made it through our first week of the #SeattleSqueeze and the #Realign99 closure. We’re making history and we think it’s important that you know this – that you, we, us, we’re all part of this epic Seattle transportation story. And whilst you’re sitting on… [ Keep reading ]

TOP 6 things you can do to avoid #SeattleSqueeze traffic.

We’re day six in the #Realign99 Alaskan Way Viaduct closure and here’s how traffic has been: Friday: meh, great final drive and fireworks . . . Monday: not totally unbearable. Tuesday: much worse than Monday. Wednesday: worse than Tuesday. Thursday: who knows? But you can make help make a difference…. [ Keep reading ]

Biking during the #Realign99 closure.

Getting around on two wheels is a great option during the SR 99 closure beginning on January 11, 2019 and beyond. We want bicycling to be a mainstream, comfortable and safe choice for people of all cultures, ages, abilities, and backgrounds. If you’ve been thinking about ditching four wheels for… [ Keep reading ]

#SeattleSqueezeAlert – Be prepared for changes to Seattle’s streets beginning January 9.

PLEASE NOTE: Starting January 14, 2019, we will retire the On the Move blog channel and all traffic advisory blogs will be posted on the SDOT blog channel.  To manage the increased volume of traffic on our city’s streets and changing traffic patterns in advance of the SR closure beginning Friday, January 11, we’re configuring key streets and… [ Keep reading ]