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Posts categorized under BrownDE, Author at SDOT Blog

What NOT to do after a storm

Snow, ice, or wind storms often result in fallen tree limbs, which can be a minor nuisance or a major problem.  Residents eager to clean up can expose themselves to life threatening conditions.  A primary concern with fallen limbs is electricity.  If there are any wires on the ground… [ Keep reading ]

Check out the street tree map

Have you ever wondered about the type of tree in front of your house and whether you are supposed to take care of it? Have you been curious about a certain species of tree or wondered whether it grew in your neighborhood? There is a new way to answer these… [ Keep reading ]

Trees complete the street

Planting a tree with a root ball weighing over eight hundred pounds on a busy arterial is not an easy task, but the SDOT Urban Forestry landscape crew was up to the challenge.  Through careful planning and creative problem-solving, the planting went smoothly, with only occasional interruptions to bike lane… [ Keep reading ]

Tree Ordinance Questions and Answers

A new street tree ordinance is in the works for Seattle.  SDOT Urban Forestry has held several community meetings, and more are on the calendar for January.  For information on the ordinance, with meeting details, see: Here are some questions amd amswers generated by meetings and neighborhood blog postings: Why… [ Keep reading ]

New Street Tree Ordinance in the Works (Continued from SDOT blog December 22, 2011)

SDOT Urban Forestry is developing a new street tree ordinance.  We have held three public meetings so far, and response is overwhelmingly positive.  Residents who attended brought up the need for more education and outreach, better enforcement against people who illegally remove trees, and better public notice when the… [ Keep reading ]

New Street Tree Ordinance in the Works

  The current ordinance governing street tree maintenance was written in 1961.  As it stands now, the ordinance leaves citizens and staff alike wondering who is officially responsible for street trees, defined as “all trees growing within the street right-of-way (including unimproved right-of-way).” The current ordinance does not define… [ Keep reading ]

Growing the Urban Forest: 800 Trees Planted in 2011

It’s mid-December and Urban Forestry has reached its goal of 800 trees planted.  Our biggest project in a single area was in Ballard; this spring, we planted 362 bare root trees from 9th Ave NW to 15th Ave NW, and NW 65th St to NW 85th St.  Smaller projects and… [ Keep reading ]

Stop That Beetle!


Community Members Appreciate New Trees

Community members were dismayed when trees they had planted in 2010 were vandalized, but grateful when the trees were replaced one week later.  On Thursday November 17, SDOT Urban Forestry staff teamed up with students from Ingraham High School to replace the trees, on NW 65th Street between 11th… [ Keep reading ]

Adding Green to the Greenway

SDOT Urban Forestry field crews have been planting trees this week along the brand new Beacon Hill Greenway.  They have planted about seventy trees on 18th Ave S from S Massachusetts Street to S Stevens St.  We planted a mix of small and large trees—small trees under overhead power lines… [ Keep reading ]