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Pictures Speak Louder…

Just a note to say that construction to build the new eastbound 4th Ave S off-ramp from the S Spokane St Viaduct is looking good – from both above and below! To see more pictures of progress visit recent SDOT Blog S Spokane St project posts.

Celebrate a night of Bicycle Culture

Because it is spring and bikes are beautiful. Come celebrate bicycle culture by listening to bands and DJs, watching bike films, viewing bike-themed art and more this Saturday, April 10. This is an indoor/outdoor event that will happen rain or shine at 4710 Ballard Avenue. It is hosted by Viking… [ Keep reading ]

Come Play in the Street!

If you had a whole street to play on, what would you want to do?  Pet parade? dance party? huge Twister game? Well, start thinking because we are pleased to announce that Summer Streets are back! We’ll be in Ballard, Alki, Greenwood and Rainier Valley. The neighborhood blogs are all talking… [ Keep reading ]

Open House April 7 – S Columbian Way

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is planning to repave S Columbian Way between Beacon Avenue S and 15th Avenue S this year. Come meet the project team, view the complete design, and ask questions at an upcoming open house: Wednesday April 7, 2010 Mercer Middle School Library 1600 S… [ Keep reading ]

Fourth Avenue Reconstruction Nearly Complete

Since September 2009, SDOT contractor C.A. Carey Construction Company has been tackling the daunting task of completely reconstructing Fourth Avenue between South Jackson Street and Olive Way. After months of working hard, enduring torrential downpours and living with daily traffic congestion, the Fourth Avenue repaving project is nearing completion, and… [ Keep reading ]

Ship Canal Trail Rolling Along

Crews working on Phase II of the South Ship Canal Trail – 6th Avenue West to 11th Avenue West – “rolled” out about 2/3 of the required paving Wednesday.  It was smooth trails until rain started, dousing this weather-dependent work (asphalt likes it dry, dry, dry!).  The new background-blending black… [ Keep reading ]

Green with Envy Over Greenwood?

Nearby roads may be envious now that Greenwood Avenue N is looking so spiffy.  The improvements between N 105th and N 112th streets wrapped up this week, with some newly added elements.  A new crosswalk was installed on the Holman Road side of the intersection at Greenwood Ave N and… [ Keep reading ]

More Trail Ahead

Southeast Seattle’s Chief Sealth Trail is about to be extended. This will be the newest addition to our regional trail system. It will be built entirely along the northern portion of the City Light Transmission lines corridor from Beacon Ave S to S Angeline Street/15th Avenue S. Construction is estimated… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle – Now with More Sidewalks!

As we look forward to a new round of new sidewalk construction this summer, we thought we’d take one last look at some of the new sidewalks constructed in 2009.  Today we feature three projects. The first, on 37th Avenue S, completed a missing link in the sidewalk network between… [ Keep reading ]

Walk to School!

Whether your walk to school is just a few blocks or uphill for miles in the pouring rain against the rotation of the earth, SDOT’s Safe Routes to School program is doing its part to make your walk more comfortable. Thanks to the Bridging the Gap Transportation levy, all Seattle… [ Keep reading ]