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4th Ave S Overnight Closures

The contractor working for the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) to widen the Spokane Street Viaduct will do overnight work every night except for Sunday night, between September 7 and September 17, positioning cranes and installing girders.  The work requires the complete closure of Fourth Avenue South between eastbound Spokane… [ Keep reading ]

45th Viaduct Nearly Done!

The NE 45th Viaduct, which closed on June 14th to replace the west approach of the bridge structure, is on target to make the September 10 completion deadline, with great progress to note.  The Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall structure was completed on August 9th; the new cement concrete roadway surface that… [ Keep reading ]

Weekend & Night Work on Airport Way

Airport Way Phase II just started August 9th and crews are already set to finish the concrete pour from Royal Brougham to S Plummer.  This weekend the southbound lanes get poured (last weekend crews poured the northbound lanes).  On Saturday, August 21st at 7:00 a.m. the work begins and crews will work around-the-clock (FYI, nosiest… [ Keep reading ]

Federal Highway Administration’s June 2010 “Road Diets” Report

The USDOT’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently released a report that reviewed the safety record of lane reduction projects in California, Washington and Iowa.  Their analysis confirms that lane reduction projects calm traffic and reduce traffic collisions.  And the FHWA report also confirms that rechannelizations don’t adversely impact roadway capacity.  It states,… [ Keep reading ]

The North Downtown Paving Pinnacle

When the Virginia Street paving project wraps up it will mark the completion of paving in the north end of Downtown that has been ongoing on 2nd, 4th, 5th, Stewart, Olive, Pike and 3rd for the better part of three years! After seven months, the last segment of the Virginia… [ Keep reading ]

Testing a New Way of Repairing Sidewalks

Always looking for ways to enhance our work, SDOT is testing a new approach for repairing sidewalks.  Walkways sometimes have lifted areas due to tree roots growing or pavement settling.  Instead of using asphalt to fill the gaps, this approach sawcuts lifted areas of concrete using a patented process.  We are trying it as a repair technique on three blocks of… [ Keep reading ]

10th Ave E one of five Spot Rehab Projects

  Next Monday three of five SDOT Arterial Spot Rehabilitation projects kick  off, adding to an already full paving docket.  The very  bumpy and cracked 10th Avenue E, from E Boston Street to E Miller Street, is one of the projects starting July 26th.  It will get fully reconstructed, including sidewalk and driveway… [ Keep reading ]

Did you see Me in Greenwood?

People are popping up all over Greenwood, with the help of flour and water.  Did you see any of these Summer Streets people last weekend hanging out outside…at Rosewood Guitars…Chocolate Shoebox…Naked City Brewing…Seders Art Gallery??? These Summer Streets “people” were pasted up, with the permission of business owners, using a Wheatpaste… [ Keep reading ]

5th Ave NE Improvements at Northgate

With just some “punch list” (industry talk for tieing up loose ends) items left, the improvements to 5th Avenue NE in Northgate – Phase II – are complete!    Phase I, completed in 2007, improved three blocks of 5th Ave NE abutting Northgate Mall.  Now 5th Avenue is pretty on both… [ Keep reading ]

Don’t Miss this Streetcar Meeting!