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From the Bottom Up…

The complete reconstruction of First Avenue South between Stacy and Horton Streets is nearly done!  Crews finished paving over the weekend and this week finished striping all five travel lanes.  Crosswalks and arrows will require an occasional single lane closure, but otherwise the project is expected to wrap up by… [ Keep reading ]

Come Play in the Street…SDOT Celebrates PARK(ing) Day

See how livable city streets are when they are opened to people. This Friday, September 18, from 9AM to 3PM SDOT is participating in an annual, one-day, global event where people collaborate to temporarily transform metered parking spots into public parks. Join us in: Ballard where two parking spots in front… [ Keep reading ]

Making the Eastlake-Capitol Hill Connection

Note: This post has been updated with a clearer picture of the green bike lane. When you’re in the neighborhood, watch for a recently completed pedestrian and bicycle project at Boylston Ave. E. and E. Newton St. in the Eastlake area.  The improvements make it easier and safer for people… [ Keep reading ]

Dancing the Two-Step to Powell Barnett Park

SDOT just wrapped up pedestrian improvements making it easier to walk to Powell Barnett Park on Martin Luther King Jr Way. We’ve done this partly by splitting the crossing of MLK Jr Way into two steps. The improvements include 1) a raised crosswalk at E Alder Street to reduce vehicle… [ Keep reading ]

Walking School Buses

It is the first day of school, and many kids are having fun getting there on a “walking school bus”.  One of the first places the walking school bus started was in Brisbane, Australia.  The goal was to get kids walking, expand their options for how to get around, create… [ Keep reading ]

Improving the Pedestrian Path in Magnolia

SDOT has been improving the pedestrian experience in the Magnolia neighborhood. Last year, the north side of the 3200 block of West McGraw was largely repaired. This year, the Magnolia Chamber of Commerce was awarded Neighborhood Street Funds (NSF) to continue repairing the sidewalk across the street. This project was… [ Keep reading ]

You’re just one click away

From a whole world of interesting questions that folks have been asking since we launched the SDOT blog in July. Have you ever wondered how to change a street name, how SDOT decides which streets to repave next, who owns the sidewalks or how traffic signal timing works with the… [ Keep reading ]

Sharing the Road & Protecting the Environment

Pedestrian, bike and transit improvements in the Pine-Pike area are wrapping up, with a design that’s good for the environment.   The natural drainage approach created new bus passenger load zones using Roman pavers – cast concrete blocks tumbled to soften their edges.  Crews tore up the old impervious surface and… [ Keep reading ]

A Shiny New Concrete Panel!

When SDOT reconstructs and paves a roadway, why don’t they always replace all of the concrete panels?  Which ones are the lucky winners and why?  Basically, we replace the panels that are damaged and keep those with remaining functional life.  This may appear odd because some of the panels kept… [ Keep reading ]

Slow Down! Children Ahead!

Making the streets safe for everyone is a priority, especially near our community centers and schools. SDOT works to calm traffic on streets where speeding has become a problem and the community has voiced its concern. This was the case on both Mary Avenue NW and 14th Avenue NW between… [ Keep reading ]