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State of the Seattle Bicycling Environment Report now online

Since its adoption in 2007, the Seattle Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) has served as the blueprint for making improvements to Seattle’s bicycle network. When it was developed, the BMP focused largely on expanding on-street bicycle facilities and completing the urban bicycle trail system. The plan has been effective at guiding… [ Keep reading ]

Once Around the Web: Watch Out!

Streetfilms has put together a great new video about our neighbor to the north, Vancouver, BC. It’s called: Perfect Match: Metro Vancouver Melds Bikes and Transit. And if you missed the one they released in September called Vancouver’s Velo Vision: Safe Biking for All Ages – check it out as… [ Keep reading ]

Large NSF makes Big safety improvements!

One of the many projects funded by SDOT’s Large Neighborhood Street Fund is wrapping up in the Eastlake neighborhood – leaving a much safer intersection in its wake!  The project is the Fairview Avenue East and Fairview Avenue North Intersection Redesign – more simply and lovingly referred to as the “Fairview Project.”  … [ Keep reading ]

Come On – Ride the Train!

During the month of October SDOT is celebrating Walk to School Month and Safe Routes to School with tips on how to get to school and back safely and without a car! Today we are focusing on bike trains. I mean, who doesn’t love a train right? Bike… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle police to conduct road safety emphasis patrols in Rainier Valley

Consider yourself on alert! The Seattle Police Department (SPD) will have a larger presence in the Rainier Valley on Thursday and Friday, October 18 and 19.  SPD will be conducting emphasis patrols to improve traffic safety for everyone using Seattle’s roads as part of the Be Super Safe Seattle effort…. [ Keep reading ]

Fall is a perfect time to get out see what’s new and improved!

Bridging the Gap (BTG) is working hard to implement the Pedestrian Master Plan and help make Seattle a more walkable city!  Since its passage by Seattle voters in 2006, the BTG transportation initiative has constructed new sidewalks, made repairs to existing sidewalks, remarked crosswalks, installed pedestrian countdown signals and constructed… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT Supports International Walk to School Month

October is International Walk to School Month, an occasion for children, parents, teachers and community leaders to be part of a global event as they celebrate the many benefits of walking.  SDOT is supporting walk to school events at seven schools this month; West Seattle, Coe, Green Lake, Hawthorne, Van… [ Keep reading ]

Northgate Way Project to finish paving before Turkey Day!

The NE Northgate Way & Fifth Avenue NE Intersection and Pedestrian Improvements project is on schedule to finish all the paving and landscape elements prior to the Thanksgiving holiday.  This includes all the roadway paving; new curbs and sidewalks; the median west of Fifth Avenue NE; street trees; and landscaping.  The project… [ Keep reading ]

Bridges to everywhere!

Seattle is a city of bridges which provide critical links between neighborhoods and commercial areas. SDOT operates and maintains over 149 bridges throughout Seattle, including four movable bridges.  With financial support from the Bridging the Gap (BTG) transportation initiative, SDOT is making important repairs and upgrades on many of its… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT Partners with the City Arts Fest 2012 to Make Walking, Biking and Riding Transit the Way to Go

Temperatures are cooling, but the arts and culture scene is warming up. City Arts is throwing their third annual City Arts Fest October 17-20. Music and art events will turn downtown Seattle into a playground for four days and nights. And there is no better way to move between events… [ Keep reading ]