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SDOT Partners with the City Arts Fest 2012 to Make Walking, Biking and Riding Transit the Way to Go

Temperatures are cooling, but the arts and culture scene is warming up. City Arts is throwing their third annual City Arts Fest October 17-20. Music and art events will turn downtown Seattle into a playground for four days and nights. And there is no better way to move between events… [ Keep reading ]

Madrona Sidewalk Safety Project

Starting this Saturday, SDOT will improve a Madrona sidewalk at the south end of the 900 block of 34th Avenue to help pedestrians travel more safely. The sidewalk in this area is damaged and has been significantly uplifted by roots from trees that are too large for their small tree pits.  Just… [ Keep reading ]

40,000 and counting!

   Through the Bridging the Gap Transportation levy, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is working to replace those old, faded, hard-to-read regulatory and street name signs across the city.  To date,  more than 40,000 regulatory signs have been replaced and more than 7,700 intersections have seen new street… [ Keep reading ]

Delridge Open House Tuesday, October 2 – See you there!

In a project beginning January 2013, Delridge Way SW between SW Orchard and SW Henderson streets will be substantially rebuilt – with a new stormwater facilities below the roadway, upgraded curb ramps and more.  Plus, if funds can be stretched that far, crews may also repave Delridge Way SW and 16th Avenue SW,… [ Keep reading ]

What would improve your neighborhood?

Neighborhood Street Fund Large Project Applications now being accepted! The Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) Large Project Program is now accepting applications for the third and final round of funding from the voter approved Bridging the Gap (BTG) Transportation levy. This levy, adopted by voters in 2006, provides $4.5M every three… [ Keep reading ]

Neighborhoods were up to the Walk/Bike/Ride Challenge…

For the second time, Ballard tops them all Well it’s that time. Whether we want to admit it or not – summer is ending. The days are shorter, the evenings cooler, and the back-to-school routine has started.  Before the summer days fade away, let’s wrap up the July / August… [ Keep reading ]

The buses are coming, the buses are coming…thanks to Bridging the Gap!

  Bus trips from West Seattle and Ballard to Downtown will soon be easier and more efficient!  Thanks to the Bridging the Gap (BTG) Transportation initiative, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has been working closely with King County Metro to implement two new RapidRide corridors and on September 29… [ Keep reading ]

Neighborhood Street Fund Improves East/West Connection

Thanks to community members and the City’s Neighborhood Street Fund Program a key east/west connection is safer and better serves all travel modes.  Along Othello and Myrtle, between Seward Park and Beacon Avenue S, gravel shoulders had cyclists risking a slide into vehicles and vehicles were left scrambling for better driveway… [ Keep reading ]

Spokane Street Viaduct Project Nearing Completion

After some three years of construction, the Spokane Street Viaduct Widening Project is nearing completion.  The long-awaited westbound consolidated on/off-ramp at First Avenue S opened to traffic on August 31 (see photo below), ending the need for those traveling from SODO to West Seattle to detour over the surface Spokane… [ Keep reading ]

Once Around the Web: Steer Clear!

Yahoo Travel has compiled a list of the top 5 world’s most dangerous roads. “We wanted to get to the bottom of exactly where caution should be taken, and found five places with perils you may not have ever considered, from South American back roads with poor track records to… [ Keep reading ]