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Join Us – First Hill Streetcar Construction Open Houses: February 28th and March 7th

The much-anticipated First Hill Streetcar Project will move into construction in April with the goal of being in service in Spring 2014.  The public is invited to join the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) for two open houses to learn about the upcoming construction of the First Hill Streetcar project. … [ Keep reading ]

Shoveling your sidewalk. It’s neighborly. (And it’s the law.)

With the recent snow and ice storm, we thought it would be a good idea to share a friendly reminder that we all need to keep our sidewalks clear.  If you have a sidewalk in front of your property, it’s your responsibility to remove snow and ice so it doesn’t… [ Keep reading ]

Crossing in a Winter Wonderland

  As part of the Center City Holiday Pedestrian Safety Campaign, on Saturday, December 10, SDOT joined forces with the Downtown Seattle Association (DSA) and Feet First to remind drivers, cyclists and pedestrians to take it slow and pay attention. Peter Hahn, SDOT Director, Kate Joncas, DSA President and CEO,… [ Keep reading ]

Winter Weather Brochures Arriving – Just in Time!

This past week we’ve been seeing headlines in the local media about the arrival of heavy rains, windstorms and even snow.  Just in time, SDOT’s annual Winter Weather brochures are also arriving!   Every year the department prints thousands of brochures which are delivered to Seattle’s elementary schools for the children… [ Keep reading ]

Mountains to Sound Trail Before & After – Startlingly Good

We all like to see positive transformations, and oh what a transformation the Mountains to Sound Trail project is…  Opening last Saturday with a ribbon cutting and community event led by Mayor Mike McGinn and Deputy Mayor Darryl Smith, this new segment of trail is writing a new chapter in… [ Keep reading ]

Preventing landslides

What’s not to love about Seattle’s hills, with their great views of the water and mountains? Well, here’s something: landslides.   Depending on the amount rain and their intensity,  landslides can be a big problem, causing major damage to public and private property.   Last year SDOT’s Street Maintenance crew responded to more… [ Keep reading ]