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Just in time for Lake City’s Farmers’ Market

  SDOT working… Working… SDOT has just completed building a beautiful block-long sidewalk on NE 127th Street between 28th Avenue NE and 27th Avenue NE. If you’re in the neighborhood, the spanking new walkway will take you right to the weekly Thursday Lake City Farmers’ Market. And voila!

SDOT Goes Hi-Tech to Analyze Roads

  If you’ve seen this strange looking van on Seattle streets in the past three months, you weren’t looking at just any van – that was the ARAN (Automatic Road Analyzer ).   SDOT has been utilizing the hi-tech van to analyze the condition of Seattle’s arterial streets since 2003. The… [ Keep reading ]

Last Week to Win an Electric Bike

It’s your chance to win an electric bike and other fun prizes in exchange for taking the Walk Bike Ride Challenge.  Sign up for the challenge to take at least two less trips this last week in July.  Did you know over 75% of the trips we take are for… [ Keep reading ]

Intensive Care of Giant Sequoia Continues

    Donated Equipment Enables Tree-top Inspection This past week, the effort to rejuvenate the ailing Downtown Seattle Sequoia at Fourth Avenue and Stewart Street, which is managed by the SDOT,  continued to inspire a generous spirit among private sector business owners serving the Pacific Northwest.  Hertz Equipment Rental made… [ Keep reading ]

Pine Street Hill Climb Becomes a Restaurant for Goats

If you ‘re traveling on Alaskan Way by the steep Pine Street hill don’t be surprised to see a herd of goats happily munching their way up the slope.  Aptly called the Pine Street Hill Climb, it is quite a climb to make it up the incline, and too steep… [ Keep reading ]

Jefferson Street Bike Facilities Complete

Our latest bike lane project is now complete!  E Jefferson St between 9th Ave and 19th Ave is now equipped with mixed bike facilities.  Climbing lanes were installed up the hills and sharrows were insalled for the downhill segments.   Connections to existing bike facilities can be made at Jefferson and Broadway, Jefferson and 12th Ave,… [ Keep reading ]

Shrinking our Footprint

News flash, we just got the word that our efforts to reduce fuel use are paying off for the City and for the environment!  In the first 6 months of 2010; SDOT reduced its full use by 10%; saving 15,000 gallons of fuel; $43,000 dollars, and 157 tons of Co2… [ Keep reading ]

Woo-Hoo…Happy Birthday to Us!

The SDOT Blog just turned one year old!  It has been a fun year for us and we hope the same is true for you.  We enjoy posting information about our work at SDOT so you’ll see the many things we do – not just paving and filling potholes.  This… [ Keep reading ]

SDOT is Turning Terry Avenue Green

Last week, SDOT began work to transform Terry Avenue from Virginia Street to Lenora Street into a “green street,” making it a more enjoyable walking environment. The street is used by pedestrians on their way to the downtown bus tunnel and to local transit, as well as local businesses and… [ Keep reading ]

Local Leaders Step Up to Walk, Bike, Ride Challenge

  From the public sector to the private workforce, Seattle leaders are taking-on Mayor McGinn’s Walk, Bike, Ride challenge.  In an effort to show how easy it can be to walk to the store, bike to work, or take a bus to the park, participants will eliminate trips they would normally… [ Keep reading ]