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Construction Management Plans for ROW Impacts – COMING JULY 6

As the construction surge continues it’s increasingly challenging for construction projects to maintain access for motor vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian travelers. But one practice that has proved beneficial is the early creation and collaborative review of a comprehensive Construction Management Plan, or CMP. When developers and contractors create CMPs and… [ Keep reading ]

Live from Lake City: Construction Update at Lake City Way and 24th Avenue NE

  The city continues their work to transform the intersection of Lake City Way NE and 24th Avenue NE. As noted previously here on the SDOT blog, this project will overhaul this intersection and provide new pavement, sidewalks, curb ramps and traffic signal controls. The changes will improve the safety… [ Keep reading ]

Bike share your way around town!

If you need to make a quick trips on Seattle streets, consider signing up for bike share, an innovative program allowing users to take short trips easily without owning their own bike. Pronto Cycle Share provides a fleet of specially designed and durable bikes found in docking stations located throughout… [ Keep reading ]

When you don’t live near a bus route….

A Vanpool or Van Share may be the solution to your commute if there is no public transit near your home or near your workplace. Sharing a van is a convenient and cost-effective for the everyday commuter. You can use HOV lanes on the freeways, save money on gas and… [ Keep reading ]

Proposed Protected Bike Lane in Fremont: We need your help!

You have an opportunity to provide input for a new protected bike lane segment along N 34th Street in Fremont! More than 100 people bike on N 34th Street between the Burke-Gilman Trail and the Fremont Bridge during the peak morning and evening weekday hours. Currently, bicyclists share the road… [ Keep reading ]

Improving Pedestrian Crossing Safety in Ballard

SDOT broke ground this week on a pedestrian safety project at one of Seattle’s five-way intersections, this one in East Ballard near West Woodland Elementary School. The project is located at the intersection of 3rd Avenue NW, NW 56th Street and 55th Place NW, where the street grid becomes complicated… [ Keep reading ]

Summer Break for Kids has Begun, Please Travel Safely Everybody

Summer break has begun and we wanted to remind everyone to travel safely and to be mindful that most kids are out of school. SDOT Director Scott Kubly, SDOT staffers joined Seattle Police Department (SPD) officers at Arbor Heights/K-5 STEM School in West Seattle last week to educate and reinforce safe travel habits as… [ Keep reading ]

Goat-powered Summer Vegetation Clearing in Seattle!

Our Goat friends along with Head Herder/Chief Wrangler Tammy are back in action for SDOT to help clear some unwanted invasive vegetation underneath the Viaduct near Leonora and Blanchard streets. Another example of SDOT using “green” technology to support environmental stewardship as summer approaches. The Goats will be around the next week or so, and are… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Murray and Community Members Celebrate Added Transit in Seattle

Today Mayor Ed Murray, King County Executive Dow Constantine and City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen celebrated increased King County Metro bus service in Seattle. The increased service riders now enjoy are a direct result of Seattle residents passing Proposition 1 in November 2014. The first increase went into effect in early… [ Keep reading ]

Access Seattle Helping You Access Belltown

Coordinating construction activity, pedestrian mobility, and vehicle mobility, all while making sure Seattle’s summertime events go off without a hitch is a challenge to say the least. But it’s a challenge that SDOT’s Access Seattle team is taking on, and they are getting results. Most recently, the Access team has… [ Keep reading ]