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New travel options: walk, bike, roll, or take transit to the new Climate Pledge Arena in Uptown!

Summary: Walk, bike, or roll to the next Climate Pledge Arena event: We’ve been busy installing several new connections to help people safely and more easily travel to the new arena, and move through the Uptown neighborhood. Ride transit to the new arena: Transit is a great option too –… [ Keep reading ]

Walktober is here! Fun ideas to rack up the miles with your family and friends this month

Summary: Walktober: Each year, we celebrate walking and rolling during the entire month of October (aka Walktober)! Walktober features a variety of ways to get involved and get active. FeetFirst and other community-led organizations across the region have seen robust participation each year since 2015! Safe Routes to School: October… [ Keep reading ]

What do you need to walk, roll, or bike to school safely? Our Safe Routes to School program is ready to fund your ideas with Mini Grants all year long.

Summary Can you think of something that would make it safer for you to walk, roll, or bike to school? Safe Routes to School Mini Grants are for small projects like bicycle helmets, lights, pedestrian crossing flags, Walking School Buses, and more. New! We are offering the Mini Grants on a rolling basis. Nonprofits, Seattle schools, and… [ Keep reading ]

Are you passionate about making Seattle a place that’s safe and easy for people who bike? The Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board is seeking new members!

Apply to join the Seattle Bike Advisory Board! The Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board is recruiting three new members to serve two-year terms starting in Fall 2021 through August 2023. If you’re interested in making Seattle an amazing bike-friendly city, consider applying! By representing the needs of our diverse population of bicyclists… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | JULY 31: Join us on a bike ride & scavenger hunt to celebrate the completion of the Green Lake and Wallingford Paving & Multi-Modal Improvements Project!

After two years of construction, we are thrilled to be wrapping up improvements around Green Lake and Wallingford. This was possible with your tax dollars through the Levy to Move Seattle! Paving is complete, new traffic signals/flashing beacons are activated, new bus stops are in place, and hundreds of ADA… [ Keep reading ]

LEVY DOLLARS AT WORK | New bike lanes, paving, & redesigned intersections are open in Green Lake! Next up: a community celebration on July 31.

Summary  Back in November, we talked about some of the work done around Green Lake to-date, and what lay ahead. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve wrapped up construction– it was 5 years in the making!   Now, people of all ages and abilities can enjoy biking safely in the new… [ Keep reading ]

The next installment of the Center City Bike Network is starting on 4th Ave!

We recently opened the Bell St Protected Bike Lane and we’re excited to share that construction will start as soon as mid-September to build a new protected bike lane on 4th Ave between Pine St and Madison St as part of the downtown Center City Bike Network. Both projects are funded by the voter-approved Levy to Move Seattle. “We are facing a number of challenges in our City: from the COVID-19 pandemic to… [ Keep reading ]